Often what you think the issue and what it really is, may be two different things. Kinesiology can help you access that. So, beautiful soul… could it be that the work I do is right for you?
Are situations or people making you feel anxious and overwhelmed? Heartbroken or grieving?
Perhaps stressed, on edge, hopeless, exhausted, overwhelmed, depressive and like you can’t cope
Are you feeling lost, directionless, numb or disconnected?
Have self sabotaging habits and beliefs that leave you doubting and questioning yourself? Feeling insecure & unsure? That you aren’t good enough or deserving?
Are you a people pleaser? Fearful of judgement? and don’t speak up for fear of confrontation?
Perhaps stuck and directionless, looping and going around in circles? Blocked to how you want to feel and/or want to achieve?
Are you attracting toxic people, situations or events?
Perhaps you have or are experiencing emotional, physical or spiritual pain, trauma, grief / loss, fears, addictions and/or sabotaging behaviours.
Then yes the work I do IS for you

No matter what has happened to you, what you have seen or experienced… there IS a part of you that remains complete and unscathed…. If you want to reconnect with it and be authentically yourself, then what I practice is for you.
Unconscious, or even conscious, patterning are created from situations we have observed, inherited or experienced. Creating disharmonies such as stress, fear, anxiety, trauma and/or grief which result in sabotaging behaviours.
Whilst such information can be stored in your body which can sabotage your well being, health and physical body, possibly leading to dis-ease, ailments and/or physical pain, there is good news.
Information can be held in your mind or nervous system which then sabotages our mental well being and positive self relationship. Resulting in anxiousness, fatigue, irritability, sadness, depression, doubt and a lack of self worth or self confidence.
Such patterning can even burden both your body and mind. If you are unconsciously holding onto negative patterning; you are likely to be…
- overthinking and doubting yourself and your decisions;
- feeling anxious, unhappy or fearful;
- lacking confidence, self belief, self worth, self value and self love;
- attracting toxic / negative situations, relationships, friendships and work environments;
- inadequate with healthy boundaries or not keeping boundaries with others;
- feeling stuck and that your life isn’t flowing;
- seek validation from external sources;
- feeling tired, lacking energy, vitality and motivation;
- have addiction patterns (alcohol, sugar, smoking, drugs, negative emotions);
- hindering or block their goals and not achieving what you desire;
- are feeling out of balance and not enjoying life;
- are putting others and their needs before their own;
- experiencing physical ailments and/or tension;
- holding onto weight or feeling heavy;
- have a disease or re-occurring healthy issue; and
- not physically healing quickly.
At The Inner Sage Australia, I work with people to release unconscious (and conscious) negative patterning , triggers and blocks. Identifying information that is at the core of what is bringing about what they don’t want in life.
The three main modalities I work with to support my clients to connect with their own innate wisdom and healing ability. are:
- Kinesiology
- Reiki / Energy Healing
- and intuitive guidance which is incorporated within the above.
Please refer to our individual modality pages for more information. Whilst each service / technique can be individually used, most sessions will be a combination of techniques as your sessions is specifically tailored to your needs.
The Inner Sage Australia was founded in July 2003. Located in Kingsford, Sydney Australia. I work via face to face and Zoom. To make an appointment click here: http://www.theinnersageaustralia.com/appointments/