Kinesiology, Healing

Healing ~ your body holds the key

In today’s world there are a plethora of healing modalities available.  Some rooted in ancient philosophies and teachings, whilst others which have been developed from our growing knowledge of the workings of the human body.  Each modality has their advantages and downsides, so whilst in some circumstances one modality may be best (or better) for a person or situation, it could be that another modality could be more ideal.  Its a matter of what works for you and moves you towards your goal.

Kinesiology is healing modality which combines many techniques which has lead to Kinesiologists being referred to as “energy medicine specialists”.  Kinesiology includes both body work and verbal discussion in order for a client to be re-balanced and move them towards their goal.

One of the main things I love about Kinesiology is that the “guess” work is minimised as muscle testing is used to determine what the cause of the stress or imbalance is.  Your body really does hold the key, which means a client can’t hide the truth, to the practitioner or themselves, of what the cause truly is.

How does muscle testing work?  Muscles are able to move due to working with various other body systems, notable the nervous system.  Our conscious mind transmits a command to our central nervous system which converts it into electrical impulses. The electrical impulses are then transported through the somatic part of our peripheral nervous system to the nerves responsible for controlling the necessary muscles.

When a client processes information that is beneficial for the them the muscle remains strong, however where the information causes a stress the muscle goes weak, thus identifying energy blockages or stress related information.

Using muscle testing the kinesiologist will find an emotion and then work with the client to discover how that emotion relates to them.  While the client is considering how the emotion is relevant, the kinesiologist can use muscle testing to confirm the right  information, so instead of wondering whether “x” is the issue, the Kinesiologist can confirm if it is “x”, “y” or even “z”.

This information the kinesiologist is accessing is data that is stored in our bodies, at a cellular level, due to the emotional responses a person has to situations and information.  The brain releases peptides which connect to the peptide receptors that are throughout our body.  Dr. Candace Pert [1], a neuropharmacologist, explains:

“A feeling sparked in our mind-or body-will translate as a peptide being released somewhere. [Organs, tissues, skin, muscle and endocrine glands], they all have peptide receptors on them and can access and store emotional information. This means the emotional memory is stored in many places in the body, not just or even primarily, in the brain. You can access emotional memory anywhere in the peptide/receptor network, in any number of ways. I think unexpressed emotions are literally lodged in the body.  The real true emotions that need to be expressed are in the body, trying to move up and be expressed and thereby integrated, made whole, and healed.

Dr. Pert says “Let the emotions bubble up. Let the chips fall where they may…the process of catharsis is not complete without saying things as the first step to experiencing things…To feel and understand means you have worked it all the way through. It has bubbled all the way to the surface. You’re integrating at higher and higher levels in the body, bringing emotions into consciousness. Once integrated, the natural wisdom of the receptors ( a take on Walter Cannon) will release interrupted healing and restorative and regenerative processes can take over.”

“By simply acknowledging emotions, they are expressed. In being expressed, emotions can be released, even old emotions stored in body memory.  Allowing my emotions to surface into awareness and to be able to name my emotions is the beginning of emotional exploration.  I am moving forward, trying to find my position within the family, within the community, and in life.”

Kinesiology, using your body, determines the emotion stored in body memory, the associated event or situation and then via muscle testing determines the right technique (correction) the body needs in order to release the stored information and bring it back into alignment.

Often kinesiology can be an effective way to healing and restoring health and wellbeing.  If you feel kinesiology would be beneficial for you then click here to make an appointment:

[1] “Molecules of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine”, Candace Pert.

Lisa is an experienced specialist kinesiologist, with traditional and modern forms of Kinesiology training. Lisa is also highly intuitive in which she incorporates into her sessions. Some describe her as a modern day alchemist.

Her authenticity, passion, exuberance and energy for what she does, and for her clients, drives her support them to achieve their desired outcomes.
With over 20 years in management and even many more in developing her intuitive / healing skills, Lisa has a truly grounded approach to her sessions incorporating both Western and Eastern philosophies.

After many years in the corporate world, Lisa followed her passion to help others which gave birth to The Inner Sage Australia.

The Inner Sage Australia is reflective of her philosophy; that we all have the innate ability to heal and align ourselves; albeit at times we need support to do this.

Lisa is PKP Kinesiologist, Kinergetics, Neuro Energetic Kinesiology and Resonate Essences Practitioner. She has also trained in Life Coaching and is a Reiki Master.

Lisa's clinic is located in Sydney, Australia. She conducts sessions face to face as well as via Skype.


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