Monthly Archives: August 2016


Kinesiology ~ it could be for you!

Many years ago I started my business doing Life Coaching….and I loved it!  Many of my clients made massive change in their life yet others, whilst they made some changes, would sabotage this change and keep repeating the patterns.

It was only until I studied Kinesiology that I came to understand that life coaching is only one dimensional.  As in it only works with the mind however human being are three dimensional, mind, body and spirit.  So whilst working the mind will help, if the body and spirit aren’t in alignment then change is only temporary.

What I love about kinesiology is that it is three dimensional and thus truly holistic.  Within a session all three dimensions of a being are being balanced.

The main focus / area I use kinesiology is with clients who don’t have a healthy “self” relationship.  i.e. they lack self confidence, self esteem, self belief, self respect.  Our self relationship is the most important relationship we can have as our external world is a reflection of our internal one.  So if you are attracting toxic relationships it is likely your self relationship is unhealthy.

Many of my clients respond yes to one or more of the following questions:

  • Do you interact (treat and/or speak) with yourself negatively?
  • Do you seek external validation?
  • Lack healthy boundaries?
  • Question and/or doubt your self?
  • Have negative beliefs, lack self worth and confidence?
  • Perhaps feeling fearful and anxious?
  • Attracting and/or not letting go of toxic relationships, friendships, environments?
  • Stuck in the past and not moving forward?
  • Maybe loosing your self within relationships.
  • Lacking or loosing your energy, vitality and spark for life?

Demystifying kinesiology

Kinesiology is an energy based healing modality with strong roots in both Eastern philosophies, such as Chinese meridian system, as well as the Western study of Anatomy and Physiology.  The word Kinesiology derives from the Greek word “kinesis” meaning movement and “kinein” meaning to move.  Therefore kinesiology could be seen as the science or branch of knowledge related to movement.

Using muscle testing, kinesiologists are able to obtain information from your body;muscle testing information which indicates where a stress or block could be in your body as well as the possibly origin of such stress.

Kinesiologists also believe that your body has its own innate healing ability and thus any work they do is working to balance and empower your body to connect with this ability.

A kinesiologist has a tool bag of varying techniques referred to as corrections, which are used to bring your body back into alignment and balance, thus addressing the energy blockages identified.

What happens at a session?

Based on the goal you have set with the kinesiologist for the session, varying correction techniques will be used.  These are mix of tried and proven energy based techniques and may include:

  • Gently holding or massage acupressure points
  • Tracing one or several meridian pathway/s
  • Use of Resonate or other Essences
  • Hydration techniques
  • Clearing of sabotage patterns
  • Chakra balancing
  • Energy and colour work
  • Visualisation and meditative work
  • Challenging perceptions and beliefs

What occurs during a consultation?

At your first session, your Kinesiologist will review your history to determine where you are in life and what you are experiencing, then help you determine where it is you want to be and what  you want to achieve, which becomes the goal for your session.

The kinesiologist will, using muscle testing, ensure your body is clear to communicate, as well as strong enough to access your innate healing ability, correcting where needed.

They will then determine, via your body, imbalances or stresses that stop you from achieving your defined goal, applying the correction technique required to remove such blocks and create more options for you to achieve your goal.

Depending on what you are working on, it can take a number of session before benefits are observed, however some clients may achieve immediate results.

What can Kinesiology be used for?

Kinesiology does not treat, diagnose or prescribe, what we do is balance your energy system to be in alignment with what you want to achieve.  Kinesiology has achieved results with people wanting to:

  • Be confident, self belief and self worth
  • Trust in their decisions and take action
  • Value them self and have healthy boundaries
  • Let go of toxic relationships and environments
  • Alleviate anxiety and stress ~ physical, emotional or mental
  • Increase their energy, vitality and feeling happy
  • Overcoming fears and past traumas
  • Provide support regarding major change/s
  • Releasing blocked potential and enhancing performance ~ school, work, sport
  • Increase brain function, learning and comprehension
  • Refining and boosting creative flow
  • Helping sleep routines & being well rested
  • Aiding with recovery from Injury
  • Easing pain issues (incl headaches & migraines)
  • Achieve weight goals

Ultimately the best way to determine whether kinesiology is right for you is to actually try it!   We have an introductory 1.5hr session for only $100.  To schedule an appointment contact us on 0407 696 454 or visit