Law of Attraction - Vibration

Eight ways you can raise your vibration

Regularly when working with clients, I find myself explaining that in order to achieve what they desire they need to “shift and raise their vibration”.  Whilst many understand the concept they don’t necessarily understand what steps they can take to achieve this.

In my personal experience what you have or attract in life is directly related to your energy.  As well as your level of empowerment and how you feel about yourself.  If you want to attract or manifest certain things, people or situations it is important that you are resonating at the right vibration.

What is our “vibration”?

Dr. Richard Gerber, who wrote Vibration Medicine, supports the notion that we are more than our physical body and that we also have energetic information systems; such as the subtle bodies that Eastern philosophies often refer to.  He also states “energy is very strongly influenced by consciousness”.

Thus our vibration is the frequency and energy at which our physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies are oscillating at.  Each aspect having its own separate frequency which contributes to the whole and it is this integration vibration that communicate with others around us.

When you contemplate ways to raise your vibration it is important to consider them from these aspects; physical, mental, emotional and energetically!

Methods to raise your vibration

  1. External world / internal world

    Your external world is a reflection of what is happening within yourself, thus it acts as a prompt to what you are placing your attention and focus on. If you don’t like what is happening around you, consider what you need to address within or give to yourself.  For example if you are attracting negative situations, consider how you are being negative. Once you can acknowledge this, you can change it and you no longer need to attract such situations for you to learn from.

  2. Consider your thoughts and words

    As Buddha said “what you think you become”, thus the thoughts you have create how you feel. It is important to acknowledge how you are feeling, however also consider what  you have or are thinking about as this is most likely the reason you are feeling less than great.
    Remember just because you think something, doesn’t mean it is true, so consider other and alternative possibilities. Life is made up of dualities so things, people, situations are not all good nor are they all bad they are a balance of both, when we see both aspects we have peace and empowerment ~ higher vibrational energy.
    Also consider the words that you are using and find alternatives.  For example “should” is a guilt creating word, so instead of using “should” use “could” – it is a choice creating word.  Rather than things being bad, state they are less than good.  Words, as does thoughts, have their own vibrational energy so if you want to lift your vibration then using those of a positive resonance helps.

  3. Feed your mind

    What material (books, magazines, online) are you reading?  Also what TV shows or movies are you watching?  Did you realise that the material you feed your mind with is also unconscious programming you?  Make a choice to nourish your mind with information that is strengthening and encouraging, that whilst feeding your mind is also nurtures your soul.

  4. Practice Gratitude

    To practice gratitude is to find something to be thankful for in every situation, even those situations which seem less than positive.  When you develop an attitude of gratefulness then you become more present which can help you realise that everything that happens is moving you towards something bigger and better.  Yet too gratitude is an emotion of higher forces and thus lifts your vibration so you attract more of the same (so more situations to be grateful for).

  5. Meditation

    When you meditate you enable your mind and body to realign with its truer state; a state of calmness, peace, happiness and joy.  You are also able to connect with your higher self, that part of you which holds wisdom and insight as well as guidance.  Thus meditation is a tool in which you can access and connect with the  higher vibrational energy within and around you.

  6. Use Essences

    There are many different essences in the marketplace however the one which we recommend and use is Resonate Essences.  These essences are made with high vibrational ingredients yet too they have been created with the purest of energetic vibrations including love.  Working on a spiral flow dynamic these essences dissolve and transmute the negative vibrations create a space for the positive vibrations to permeate and infuse.

  7. Get moving

    Movement creates energy, so when we move in a way which makes us happy or gives us joy we create positive energy faster.  So engage in an activity that gets you moving and that resonates with you; go walking, go to the gym, dance, jump on the trampoline; it doesn’t matter how you move, just move!
    When you move you breathe more and thus increase the oxygen in your body – oxygen is life giving, life forming energy, so when you breathe you are giving  this to yourself.

  8. Higher vibration foods / fluids

    Eat foods that are “live”, which are unprocessed foods that are beneficial to you.  As the adage states “you are what you eat” thus food directly impacts your physical body.  Either you are fuelling it or defusing it.
    This also applies to the fluids you drink and in order to thrive your body needs at least two litres per day (more depending on circumstances).  So are you are you drinking enough water?  is your body adequately absorbing it?  are you drinking too much caffeine, alcohol or sugar based drinks?
    When your physical body thrives so too does your vibrational bodies.

In his book “The Power of Intention” Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote:  “What you may fail to see inside is a result of how you choose to process everything and everyone in your world. You project onto the world what you see inside, and you fail to project into the world what you fail to see inside. If you knew that you were an expression of the universal spirit of intention, that’s what you’d see. You’d raise your energy level beyond any possibility of encumbrances to your connection to the power of intention. It is only discord acting within your own feelings that will ever deprive you of every good thing that life holds for you! If you understand this simple observation, you’ll curb interferences to intention.”

Lisa is an experienced specialist kinesiologist, with traditional and modern forms of Kinesiology training. Lisa is also highly intuitive in which she incorporates into her sessions. Some describe her as a modern day alchemist.

Her authenticity, passion, exuberance and energy for what she does, and for her clients, drives her support them to achieve their desired outcomes.
With over 20 years in management and even many more in developing her intuitive / healing skills, Lisa has a truly grounded approach to her sessions incorporating both Western and Eastern philosophies.

After many years in the corporate world, Lisa followed her passion to help others which gave birth to The Inner Sage Australia.

The Inner Sage Australia is reflective of her philosophy; that we all have the innate ability to heal and align ourselves; albeit at times we need support to do this.

Lisa is PKP Kinesiologist, Kinergetics, Neuro Energetic Kinesiology and Resonate Essences Practitioner. She has also trained in Life Coaching and is a Reiki Master.

Lisa's clinic is located in Sydney, Australia. She conducts sessions face to face as well as via Skype.


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