Energetic Ties

Releasing the energetic ties to your Ex

Have you had a relationship come to and end yet found yourself unable to let go of your ex?  Finding yourself still consumed by them and what they have (or haven’t) done.  If so it could be that you have energetic ties which are connecting you to them.

Human beings are three dimensional. What this means is that we are of physical body; thinking body and spiritual body. Our spiritual body is composed of energetic layers known as subtle bodies or auric fields.

The fundamentals of our physical body is energy, albeit pulsating at a slow and dense vibration. So too with the subtle bodies, they are also made up of energy however it is pulsating at a higher and faster vibration.

Each of the subtle bodies connect with our physical body via an spinning vortex of energy called a chakra. The chakra then directs energy into the physical body via the meridian system.

Energetic cords

Just as we have this energetic connection with ourselves, we can also create a connection with other people, places or things and do so by energetic ties or cords via our chakras. These energetic ties / cords are constructed of astral and etheric energy which have no physical limitations between what it is connected to.

The ties, cords or ties, ribbons as they are also known, can be likened to an umbilical cord. Similar to an umbilical cord there is a transference of energy; whether that energy be positive or negative.  Yet too this cord links us with another.

The cord also transfers information and can be considered an energetic feedback mechanism, so consciously or unconsciously you will receive information about the person, place or thing you are connected to.

When we have a strong emotional connection with another we create these energetic cords.  The length of time or intensity of the relationship with the other person, place or thing will strengthen the cord.  This is great if the connection is a positive one you wish to maintain.  However where the cord is with a person (place or thing) you no longer want to have a connection with, then it becomes draining, unearthing and creates imbalance

Unhealthy Energetic Cords

In the instance where it is time for you to move on, despite going your separate ways, you may find the cords remain connected. This can happen when one or both people have strong emotions and thoughts towards the other and if one person did not want the disconnection.   However it could also be that the cords were created in a unhealthy way. 

Cutting the cords is a method in which to call back your energy from another as well as return their energy to them. It is a simple method, however sometimes needs to be done several times as even thinking of a person can reconnect the cords.

Cutting the cords process

Get yourself into a comfortable position that you can easily hold for a short period of time. You may like to sit or lie down, which ever is best for you. Once you get into that position move around until you find the posture most comfortable for you.

Bring your focus on your breath, noticing the natural rhythm of your breathing….in and out…..giving your body the oxygen it needs to be in this moment.

As you continue to breathe inhale and exhale observe how your breath helps your body to relax and let go of any tension you have been hold on to. As you now consciously take a breathe in …. take that air specifically to any areas which are particular tense and on the out breathe release that tension, mindfully now letting it go.

Maintain your conscious breathing, breathing in deeply and exhaling … going deeper and deeper unwinding and letting go…..deeper and deeper into a calm and tranquil state…preparing your mind, body and spirit for what you are needing from this process.

Feeling totally relaxed you notice your body soften, being lighter and even more tranquil. Observe your thoughts like you would a river…..flowing and gently passing by .. letting them flow also not exploring them or adding to them….just letting them be … right now…

Consider the seven (7) energy centres (starting from the bottom):

Base Chakra – pelvic area – relates to survival (physically and materially), ability to stand up for oneself and feeling secure

Navel Chakra – ovaries area – relates to our right to feel and our ability to be social and intimate

Solar Plexus – upper Stomach area – relates to our ability to think as well as personal power, our self confidence and self worth.

Heart Chakra – heart space – relates to matters of the heart. Love, peace, forgiveness, compassion. Ability to have self-control.  Acceptance of oneself

Throat Chakra – throat area – relates to the ability to speak up and be heard.  To express ourselves and live our truth.  Loyalty and protection

Third Eye Chakra – middle of forehead – relates to our intuition and trusting our own innate wisdom.  What we want and allow ourselves to see.  Also relates to our hidden or repressed thoughts

Crown Chakra – top of head – relates to our aspirations.  Our connect to divine consciousness as well as trusting the universe and our path.

Which of these energy centres were affected by your relationship? Where did you feel most disempowered or disconnected from in the relationship?  Where do you feel there is an energetic tie still connecting you to your ex-partner?

If there are several cords, start with the base chakra working up to the Crown.  Imagine an energy sword of divine light and love cutting the energy cord in two.

As the cord is cut, the part of the cord which belongs to your ex is returned to them as is the part of the cord which belongs to you.  Restoring and revitalising your energy as it returns cleansed and cleared as well as protected from reconnecting with them.

Continue this process of cord cutting with any other cords that you feel are still connected and/or affected.

Once you have finished severing the energetic ties take a moment to feel your energy returning to you.  To feel yourself whole; your strength and vitality being your own.  Feeling totally centred and grounded within yourself.

Breathing deeply and when you are ready opening your eyes are returning back to the room.


Whilst a simple process it can be quite a powerful one.  If you find after doing the process that you need additional cleansing and/or support you may want to consider a kinesiology balance or other energy modality to help align you.

If you wish to make an appointment with us you can schedule a time via this link.  Mention this post for a 10% discount:  http://www.theinnersageaustralia.com/appointments/



Lisa is an experienced specialist kinesiologist, with traditional and modern forms of Kinesiology training. Lisa is also highly intuitive in which she incorporates into her sessions. Some describe her as a modern day alchemist.

Her authenticity, passion, exuberance and energy for what she does, and for her clients, drives her support them to achieve their desired outcomes.
With over 20 years in management and even many more in developing her intuitive / healing skills, Lisa has a truly grounded approach to her sessions incorporating both Western and Eastern philosophies.

After many years in the corporate world, Lisa followed her passion to help others which gave birth to The Inner Sage Australia.

The Inner Sage Australia is reflective of her philosophy; that we all have the innate ability to heal and align ourselves; albeit at times we need support to do this.

Lisa is PKP Kinesiologist, Kinergetics, Neuro Energetic Kinesiology and Resonate Essences Practitioner. She has also trained in Life Coaching and is a Reiki Master.

Lisa's clinic is located in Sydney, Australia. She conducts sessions face to face as well as via Skype.


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