There was a time when I wouldn’t speak up for myself. I didn’t know what my boundaries were yet alone reinforce them to another. It didn’t matter whether this was a work, in friendships or relationships. Looking back I was really concerned with what others though about me. Therefore I was giving away my power away […]
Take a short journey of discovery with our Journey to You. It gives you a quick snapshot of where you are at, what may have contributed to this and where you want to go. Cut the energetic ties that are either keeping you connected to someone you no longer want to be connected to […]
I’ve recently launched several packages designed to support you in your healing journey and making it more accessible and affordable. * Note card payments incur a 2.2% fee and Paypal payments will incur a the PayPal fee which will be added to the price upon processing Introductory Package The introductory packages is specifically designed for […]
My clients are typically people who have found traditional methods aren’t working for them or they are repelled by. They are also people who love personal development and may be interested by things of a spiritual matter. Alternatively they are people who have just been told to come see me because they want to change […]
The completion of your kinesiology or Reiki session, is the trigger for the integration of your healing. Your mind, body and spirit will need time, and or space, to attune with the healing and need to recalibrate with this new state of attunement / information / energy. Just as each healing session should be tailored […]
Loving a person who has been emotionally wounded is a less than easy task, it really does take someone special to see through their patterns and help them to trust others again. Wounded people are mostly sensitive, gentle souls who feel and love wholeheartedly, yet currently are feeling unsafe to do so again. Their wounds […]
It seems to go against the norm to tell you that it is brilliant that you are caring what what people think (and say)about you. Most people would tell you not to care. However people who truly don’t care about others or their opinions are typically narcisstic or sociopathic, so yah for caring!! However it […]
Right now there is so much discussion, and guidelines, on how to flatten the curve. It is just as important that we give the same consideration to flattening the emotional curve. One of the main reasons it is important to flatten the emotion curve is due to the impact our emotions have on our health. […]
It is likely you have seen or can resonate with this diagram regarding your comfort zone. I’ve used it previously in another article. It gives the implication that you have to leave your comfort zone to experience and get to where the “magic happens”. In my experience, working with people, despite knowing that going outside […]
Most people consider speaking up or speaking their truth as confrontation. When it comes to addressing matters with others many clients say to me “Oh I’m not good at or I don’t like confrontation”. To discuss and converse with others is actually not confrontation. Confrontation is a hostile or argumentative situation. If you are going […]