Category Archives: Spiritual Basics

Law of Attraction - Vibration

Eight ways you can raise your vibration

Regularly when working with clients, I find myself explaining that in order to achieve what they desire they need to “shift and raise their vibration”.  Whilst many understand the concept they don’t necessarily understand what steps they can take to achieve this.

In my personal experience what you have or attract in life is directly related to your energy.  As well as your level of empowerment and how you feel about yourself.  If you want to attract or manifest certain things, people or situations it is important that you are resonating at the right vibration.

What is our “vibration”?

Dr. Richard Gerber, who wrote Vibration Medicine, supports the notion that we are more than our physical body and that we also have energetic information systems; such as the subtle bodies that Eastern philosophies often refer to.  He also states “energy is very strongly influenced by consciousness”.

Thus our vibration is the frequency and energy at which our physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies are oscillating at.  Each aspect having its own separate frequency which contributes to the whole and it is this integration vibration that communicate with others around us.

When you contemplate ways to raise your vibration it is important to consider them from these aspects; physical, mental, emotional and energetically!

Methods to raise your vibration

  1. External world / internal world

    Your external world is a reflection of what is happening within yourself, thus it acts as a prompt to what you are placing your attention and focus on. If you don’t like what is happening around you, consider what you need to address within or give to yourself.  For example if you are attracting negative situations, consider how you are being negative. Once you can acknowledge this, you can change it and you no longer need to attract such situations for you to learn from.

  2. Consider your thoughts and words

    As Buddha said “what you think you become”, thus the thoughts you have create how you feel. It is important to acknowledge how you are feeling, however also consider what  you have or are thinking about as this is most likely the reason you are feeling less than great.
    Remember just because you think something, doesn’t mean it is true, so consider other and alternative possibilities. Life is made up of dualities so things, people, situations are not all good nor are they all bad they are a balance of both, when we see both aspects we have peace and empowerment ~ higher vibrational energy.
    Also consider the words that you are using and find alternatives.  For example “should” is a guilt creating word, so instead of using “should” use “could” – it is a choice creating word.  Rather than things being bad, state they are less than good.  Words, as does thoughts, have their own vibrational energy so if you want to lift your vibration then using those of a positive resonance helps.

  3. Feed your mind

    What material (books, magazines, online) are you reading?  Also what TV shows or movies are you watching?  Did you realise that the material you feed your mind with is also unconscious programming you?  Make a choice to nourish your mind with information that is strengthening and encouraging, that whilst feeding your mind is also nurtures your soul.

  4. Practice Gratitude

    To practice gratitude is to find something to be thankful for in every situation, even those situations which seem less than positive.  When you develop an attitude of gratefulness then you become more present which can help you realise that everything that happens is moving you towards something bigger and better.  Yet too gratitude is an emotion of higher forces and thus lifts your vibration so you attract more of the same (so more situations to be grateful for).

  5. Meditation

    When you meditate you enable your mind and body to realign with its truer state; a state of calmness, peace, happiness and joy.  You are also able to connect with your higher self, that part of you which holds wisdom and insight as well as guidance.  Thus meditation is a tool in which you can access and connect with the  higher vibrational energy within and around you.

  6. Use Essences

    There are many different essences in the marketplace however the one which we recommend and use is Resonate Essences.  These essences are made with high vibrational ingredients yet too they have been created with the purest of energetic vibrations including love.  Working on a spiral flow dynamic these essences dissolve and transmute the negative vibrations create a space for the positive vibrations to permeate and infuse.

  7. Get moving

    Movement creates energy, so when we move in a way which makes us happy or gives us joy we create positive energy faster.  So engage in an activity that gets you moving and that resonates with you; go walking, go to the gym, dance, jump on the trampoline; it doesn’t matter how you move, just move!
    When you move you breathe more and thus increase the oxygen in your body – oxygen is life giving, life forming energy, so when you breathe you are giving  this to yourself.

  8. Higher vibration foods / fluids

    Eat foods that are “live”, which are unprocessed foods that are beneficial to you.  As the adage states “you are what you eat” thus food directly impacts your physical body.  Either you are fuelling it or defusing it.
    This also applies to the fluids you drink and in order to thrive your body needs at least two litres per day (more depending on circumstances).  So are you are you drinking enough water?  is your body adequately absorbing it?  are you drinking too much caffeine, alcohol or sugar based drinks?
    When your physical body thrives so too does your vibrational bodies.

In his book “The Power of Intention” Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote:  “What you may fail to see inside is a result of how you choose to process everything and everyone in your world. You project onto the world what you see inside, and you fail to project into the world what you fail to see inside. If you knew that you were an expression of the universal spirit of intention, that’s what you’d see. You’d raise your energy level beyond any possibility of encumbrances to your connection to the power of intention. It is only discord acting within your own feelings that will ever deprive you of every good thing that life holds for you! If you understand this simple observation, you’ll curb interferences to intention.”

Enhance your Psychic Reading

Tips to enhance your psychic reading

We all have psychic abilities, just as we all can play a piano ~ albeit some are better than others.  Everyone is naturally talented at something however we can also chose to develop and fine tune talents and skills.  The individual who has decided to work giving psychic readings (whether naturally or via tutelage) has a heightened sense of sight, sound, hearing, sensing and instinct.  Allowing them to be attuned to energies that are around them or their clients.

Psychic readings are tripartitie, meaning it is consists of the interaction of three energies.  Those of the psychic medium; energies of the divine world (Spirit Guides, loved ones, etc) as well as your own.  Which means that your energy can either help support or hinder the messages you receive.

An analogy of how the interaction works can be likened to the mechanics of a radio.  The psychic, like an antenna, is able to receive electromagnetic energy.  Energy passing by for the specific broadcasting station (their client) which they have tuned into receive for.  However just as the radio energy waves can be blocked or interrupted (e.g. Radio Jammer) so too can the information the psychic receives for you.

In order for you to get the best out of your psychic reading there are steps you can take.  Thus being open and not interfere or “jam” the information available for you.

  1. Be well hydrated for your reading

    Water and spiritual energy are like chocolate and milk, they compliment each other very nicely!  When you are hydrated it allows your body, and energy, to be working at an optimum level.  This support the connection, and flow of information, between you and the psychic.

    Also when your psychic is a healer, there is an element of realignment and healing which will occur for you.  The more hydrated you are, the more effective this healing energy will be.

  2. Abstain from alcohol and drugs

    Depending on how much you have drank, alcohol can stay in your system for for at least 10 hours,  thus it is best not to have any alcoholic substance for at least 24 hours prior to your reading.

    Most illicit drugs can stay in your system for up to four (4) days, with Cannabis it can be up to thirty (30) days, so to be on the safe side it is best to abstain from such substances for at least seven (7) days.

    Alcohol and drugs not only affect your mind and body it also affects your energy field.  Lowering your vibration as well as making it dark and murky.  When your energy is vibrating at a lower frequency you may be more susceptible to mischievous energies which can skew the information being received.

  3. Be present, calm and relaxed

    Give yourself enough time to arrive for your appointment so that you arrive in a calm and relaxed manner.  The worst thing you can do is walk into your session stressed and all over the place.

    Even if it means you will be five minutes late, take a few minutes to breathe, centre yourself and ground your energy.  This will allow you to be present and concentrating on the reasons you are at your session for.

  4. Have healthy skepticism and remain open

    I encourage a healthy dose skepticism, most probably because whilst I absolutely believe in what I do, I too can be somewhat sceptical.  However healthy skepticism does not mean testing your psychic nor refraining from confirming information as this creates resistance and blocks for information to be received.

    Personally I don’t like knowing information about my clients, if they begin to tell me something I politely ask them to stop so 1. they don’t influence the reading and 2. so they know the information I am receiving is from Spirit.   However at times I do require my clients to place the information for me.  The information I receive is spot on, it is just in my human form I can misplace or misinterpret the information and require my client to place it.

    Recently I had two sisters come to see me (in separate sessions), sister #1’s session was good however sister #2’s was exceptional.  What was the difference?  Sister #1 was resistant to the messages as she (perhaps unconsciously) only wanted to hear certain things.  However sister #2  was open to the information she was receiving.

    It reinforced for me that a reading is not just dependant on my abilities and preparations, it is also dependant on the openness of the client.

  5. Come prepared

    Spirit will bring forth guidance and answers as to what they know you need, however this doesn’t mean that you can’t also have questions or topics you are wanting guidance on.  Also those loved ones which want to come through, will find a way to come through, however we can also request whom we would like to speak with (noting it doesn’t always mean they will come through)

    Whilst I encourage clients to be somewhat prepared, a person can also over prepare, which means they close themselves off to the information Spirit sees as important.  Have an idea of whom you want to contact or topics/questions you would like guidance on yet also be open to what is being channelled for you.

  6. Be aware of psychic amnesia

    Psychic amnesia is when during  a psychic reading information we know is temporarily forgotten.  I’ve had many examples of clients who have been given information and said it doesn’t make sense, only for it to either later in the reading or when they get home.

    Psychic amnesia occurs when a client is too focused on who or what they want to hear; if they are fearful of what the information may reveal; the have unhealthy level of skepticism;  they are distracted or perhaps even awestruck.

  7. Understand language / terminology differences

    Words and phrases have different meanings to different people, so whilst I would never ask a client to accept something they can’t, also be aware that what meaning a word has for you may be different to what the psychic does.  If needs be ask the client to give more information.

    I have examples of where I have given a message which my client couldn’t resonate with, only for me to re-phrase it (effectively saying the same thing), for the client to understand and accept the message.

  8. Know you have free will

    We are born with free will, giving us the ability to make choices and this is extremely important when you receive information and guidance from Spirit.

    An effective psychic reading will present empowering information to you which gives you choices.  Ultimately it is up to you as to what information you accept and discard as well as to which pathway you decide is right for you.

A psychic reading can be a fun, rewarding, empowering and healing experience, which can also bring a sense of direction, focus and/or peace.  When you follow some, if not all, these tips you can only enhance that experience.

Hydrated Light Bodies

Are your Light Bodies dehydrated?

Energy workers are also known as light workers, aptly described due to the energies and frequencies they work with including those of the aura.  The aura is a composition of seven layers known as light bodies.

Through Barbara Ann Brennan’s work, and as described in her book “Hands of Light”, the auric bodies are described as light waves, which like the physical body are composed of fluid like substances.

What is lesser known is that just as the physical body may become dehydrated so too can the light bodies.

Light bodies and the physical body

Each light body encompasses and penetrates the one/s resonating below it, right to and including the physical body.  It is thought that the structure of each light body contains the anatomy of the physical body.  Anatomy such as blood vessels, organs, etc albeit in energetic form.

If the light bodies resemble and imitate the physical body then it would make sense that they too require nutrients, energy and balance for optimum performance and efficiency.  Yet too there are other parallels which give support as to why our light bodies can become de-hydrated.

When a person is physically at higher altitudes their body requires specific care as it is more susceptible to being dehydrated as well as loosing nutrients.  This is because water evaporates at a quicker rate the higher we go yet too due to breathing faster and more deeply.  Higher altitude could be an analogy for working with higher energetic frequencies; in that when we do our body and light bodies can easily become dehydrated.

Consider the metaphysics of water; it symbolises adaptability, purity, fertility, healing and cleansing. Water is associated with emotions, intuitiveness as well as the feminine aspects of ourselves.  When dehydrated it is symbolic of the lack of nurturing oneself and/or that the person is thirsting for something.

Most (if not all) light workers are empath’s;  they are considered sensitive and/or emotional, they often pick up on others emotions, ailments and energy.   They work with higher frequency healing vibrations and give readily to others often before themselves.   They are the epitome of what water symbolises and thus are often dehydrated not only physically yet more importantly on one or more of the light bodies.

Symptoms of a dehydrated system

Whilst light workers are aware of the need to look after their physical body, more often than not they aren’t aware that their light bodies require care also.   To know if your light body is dehydrated you will experience several of the following:

  • do not have enough endurance and/or fatigue easily
  • may find it more difficult to sense energy
  • energetic information is not as clear
  • find energy work is tiring
  • have fluctuations in energy
  • crave sweets and/or carbohydrates
  • are susceptible to colds and flu’s
  • are moody
  • have moment of feeling dizzy

Fluids are the best way to hydrate our physical body.  So too with the light bodies, albeit with a different type of fluid product, that of energy.  This also gives reason as to why it is important that energy workers regularly receive some type of energetic work!

Methods to keep or re-hydrate

In Kinergetics there is a specific Light Bodies correction which I personally found to be one of the most effective ways for re-hydrating the light bodies.  However there are other methods that light workers can use such as:

  • Meditating regularly, ideally making it a daily practice
  • Starting your day with a spiritual practice
  • Receiving energetic balances regularly
  • Using Resonate Essences and sprays
  • Routinely protecting and cleansing your energy
  • Visiting the beach, mountains or bush often
  • Listen to music, sing and/or dance

When dehydrated, just as the physical body will endeavour to maintain health by decreasing some of the body’s processes (making them less effective).  Our light bodies do the same although it is the access of energy and flow of the higher vibrational energy which is not as effective.

With regular, devoted actions to nurturing all aspects of ourselves we can ensure we are working optimally, not just for ourselves yet also for others.

If you would like to schedule a one on one face to face, or Skype, session with Lisa email her at visit our appointments page:


Spiritual Basics ~ Energy Cleansing

Just us our physical body regularly needs cleansing both internally and externally to ensure we don’t get a build up of filth (externally) or toxins (internally), so too does our energetic bodies.

Cleansing our skin is important as we removes dead skin cells, bacteria and toxins, ensuring our pores are clear to absorb beneficial things.  Internal cleansing also assists in eliminating toxins and waste product thus improving overall wellbeing, health and vitality.

Physical cleansing is an act of rejuvenation and renewal.

So as we regularly cleanse our physical body, so too must we cleanse ourselves spiritually.  Whilst we are required to invoke our protection and shield ourselves from negative energy, over time residue can build up.  This may be due to our protection not being done often enough (or not done at all), perhaps the method being used is not strong enough or possibly because of what is going on within.

Also some people, knowingly or unknowingly, like to dump their negative energy and these type of people are attracted to “light souls”.  You’ll know if they have dumped as they will walk away saying how much better they feel leaving you feeling less energised.

Spiritual cleansing is the act of purifying your energy fields and getting rid of anything that may not belong to or within it, yet too it is also done to purify your connection to your source energy.

When we fail to cleanse regularly on a spiritual level our energy can become drained and for no apparent reason we are exhausted and feel zapped.    Also we might seem out of character, cranky and short tempered or emotionally and out of control.  On the other hand we can find our connection to others and the spirit world difficult to make.

And as we cleanse ourselves spiritually, it is also important to cleanse our environment and surroundings, most importantly your home and if possible also your work space or office.

How do I cleanse?
Once again there are many methods of cleansing and it is important to use which ever best suits you.  As with protection, cleansing is best done on a regular basis and I recommend at least once a week (if not daily).

Due to our environments (e.g. air conditioning, rising levels of smog) and our way of living (i.e. hectic pace, stress) our bodies are swathed with positive ions which are destructive to us and is a prime cause of energy depletion.

Also when we expose ourselves to too many positive ions we become imbalanced (i.e. depressed, stressed, anxious) and require negative ions to balance us out.

Negative ions are commonly known “happy or the good ions” because they lift our mood, inner forces and give us a sense of well being.

They are plentiful in rainforests, the ocean, near waterfalls and on the top of mountains.   Yet too they are abundant during and after a thunder storm, so opening your windows and doors after a thunder storm is a great way to cleanse you and your home.


Either walk in a rain shower or when daily showering, as the water lands and washers over you have the intention of allowing the water to take with it any negative energy that may have attached during the day.   Seeing any negativity being washed away relieving your energy field and releasing it to flow away from you.

Swimming in the ocean is an awesome way to cleanse due to the negative ions which are abundant in the sea.  When choosing to cleanse in the sea, your intention is what is most important.

So as you either dive under the water or allow it to wash over you, mentally say to yourself words to the effect of:  “I allow my energy fields to be cleansed of any negative energy, restoring me to my own source”

Find an incense that resonates with you or you can use smudging sage, take an incense stick or small amount of sage, lighting it so that it smokes (don’t allow it to burn).

Now carefully allow the smoke to waft over you, front and back, over your head and below your feel, focus on your intention that as the smoke drifts over you it is cleansing your energy fields, purifying and energising.

This is also a good method for cleansing the home, moving from room to room concentrating on smudging each corner of the room.  Yet with the main living areas (i.e. bedrooms & lounge room) burning a full incense stick.

To enhance the smudging ritual also put on a CD of instrumental music, as it in itself will help stuck energy.

There are a beautiful array of essential oils which hold higher vibrational energy to cleanse your energy.  These would be Frankincense is associated with purification, Lavender is considered the angelic herb or sage oil for its sacredness.

Energetic sprays, such as Resonate Essences Cleanse & Protect or Crystal Clear, are an easy way to clear a room and/or energy fields.  Especially when they are of a higher vibration because all the “hard” work has been done for you and all you need to do is hold and spray.


It has been well documented the power that words we think, or speak, have not only on others yet on ourself.  Words not only influence our gene expression they also influence the energy around us.

The sound vibration that mantras increase the energy around to resonate at a higher frequency which in turn will clear any energies that do not resonate at this frequency.

  • Shanti (shan tee): restores peace and harmony
  • Om Namah Shanti (om naamar shan tee): releasing burdens and returning lightness
  • I release all that does not serve me, clearing and releasing with ease
  • I release attachment to be free in light, love and peace

This is a meditative cleansing tool so it is a good one to use when you have a few moments where you won’t be disturbed.  I like this as an option due to its thoroughness and revitalising qualities.

See or sense in front of you a rock pool filled with the most beautiful crystal clear blue water, it is surrounded by a luscious green garden of ferns and palms, which overhang the pool.

You notice a path appear in front of you, which you start walking upon, it is laid with rich red stones and leads you to set of natural steps taking you to the edge of the rock pool.  Step down into the water, allowing it to wash over your, feeling yourself become like a sponge soaking the water in.

Step out of the pool and see your body twisting around, squeezing the water from your energy field.  Visualise the water streaming down the steps back to mother earth and notice that its colour is dark and murky as it is filled with the negative energy that you have picked up.

Turn around and emerge yourself back in the clear blue waters of the rock pool, repeating the process.  Allowing your energy field to fill up with these waters, then stepping out of the pool, twisting and squeezing the water along with the negative energy from your field.  Notice this time that the water, although still murky, is lighter than it was before.

Repeat the process once more.  Yet this time as you squeeze the water from you, you notice that it is now the same colour as the rock pool, a brilliant blue indicating that your energy field is clear.

Thank the rock pool for allowing you to have use of its mythical qualities.

The process of healing an aching heart

Our heart can ache for a myriad of reasons; a relationship or friendship breaking down, a fight with someone we care about, a choice we made or that was made for us, the death of a person, animal, situation we love or have attachment to and even changing jobs or moving house.

Heart ache, no matter what reason is essentially grief, and most (if not all) endings will result in a person undergoing the grief cycle.  Through her extensive research Elizabeth Kúbler-Ross, a Swiss-American psychiatrist and pioneer in near-death studies,  determined the Five Stages of Grief, which are:

  1. Denial
    Denial is a conscious or unconscious to not being willing to accept the situation where the person can isolate themselves due to their refusal of the situation.  It can be due to their disbelief that the situation is happening and tends to be a defence mechanism which is masking the person’s shock of the situation.
  2. Anger
    A person will use anger as an emotion to deflect from their vulnerability of the situation and it can manifest in various ways.  They can be angry at themselves, at those close to them or those who were involved in the situation.  Endeavouring to be non-judgement with those in this stage of grief and remaining detached can assist both, all, parties.
  3.  Bargaining
    This is where the person yearns for what has been lost and is categorised by the “if only” or “what if” statements. It’s where we want the situation to return to what we knew it to be, to be able to go back in time and do something different so a positive outcome happens.  Guilt is often an emotion experienced in this stage, as the person thinks of what they could have done and feel guilty for not having done it.
  4. Depression
    Here the person is preparing to bid farewell and is an indicator that the person has begun to accept the reality of the situation.  It can be described as acceptance with emotional attachment and it is natural for the person to experience feelings of sadness and regret, fear and uncertainty.
  5. Acceptance
    Usually this stage is marked by a calmness and acknowledgement of the situation, recognising that this is their reality and thus now living with the permanence of the change.  The person has re-adjusted to life as they now know it and are allowing themselves to make new connections and to enjoy life again.

Grief is a very personal thing and everyone grieves differently.  The stages do not necessary occur in a specific order, nor is there a time limit or potency set for each stage.  Also it is possible for a person to experience a stage more than once.

An important factor in healing from loss is accepting or finding support from others, whether that support be from friends, family, groups, a healer or therapist, and knowing that support comes in various forms such as listening, reassurance or practical assistance.

Yet the key to moving towards acceptance is for the person to honour how they feel rather than resisting or denying their emotions, as resistance only tends to prolong the healing process.


Spiritual Basics ~ Protection

Protection ~ What is it?
In a general sense protection is the act of keeping oneself, another or something safe from being harmed or damaged.  From a spiritual perspective it is the same concept however it is more specifically the safeguarding of your energy fields in order to keep your energy clear of others energy and/or negative influences.

Energy which is not your own, particularly energy which is less than positive, can influence you causing stress, imbalance, mood swings, tiredness, lack of confidence, illness.  Such energy can actually depletes your own energy leaving you without the vitality you need for general living.

Daily we interact with EMF’s – electromagnetic fields which we can’t see.  If you think about the radio, signals are being sent and received.  They exist and we know they do when we listen to the radio, however we don’t actually see them. 

Same too with energy.  When you interact with another person there is an energy exchange.  At times that energy exchange will be a positive one, leaving you feel uplifted.  At times it will be the opposite.  

When you interact with people, or even when passing by strangers,  your energy field connects or interacts with them, this especially happens when our energy centres are “open”.  However negative energy seems to be more easily transferable, particularly to people who are resonating higher.     The “darker” energy gravitates to “light”.  

Negative energy is created via:

  • Destructive emotions (such as hate, jealousy, anger, fear)
  • Victim, pessimistic and negative attitudes
  • Hostile environments (Arguments, disagreements)
  • Controlling people or environments
  • Misuse of sex, drugs or alcohol
  • Chaos and disorder

In general you need to protect our energy field in a general sense.  It is important to keep you energy your own so you are centred and clear.  Even if you are interacting with positive people.  

However you don’t only interact with energy from the earth plane.  Depending on your beliefs there are also unseen energy forces who are positive and negative.

In the spirit plane there are light beings who assist and guide us and there are “dark” beings who are mischievous and like to cause confusion and chaos.

These are often spirits who are either not aware that they have passed over or who are not yet ready to leave the earth plane, therefore they are drawn to those with vibration with light and will therefore attach themselves to such people.

How do I invoke protection?
There are many ways to ensure you are protected and it is important for you to chose one which suits and works for you.  Likening protection to a pair of shoes, there are some that will fit better than others.

Also just like shoes, the method you use can become so comfortable it wears out.  So it is ideal to change and mix up the protection methods you are using.  The reason for this is when we regularly use a particular method we can become over familiar with it and become lax when implementing, thus loosing it’s potency.  In addition our vibration changes and thus a different protection method is required.

Protection ideally becomes a ritual which is best done in the morning before you start your day, and can easily be done in bed before your get up or in the shower.  Until it becomes a habit I recommend adding a reminder in your phone or on your mirror.

Its important to know that protection may need “reapplying” during the day (and sometimes more than once) particularly when you know you are going to interact with someone who drains your energy.

Once you become familiar with what is your energy and what belongs to another you will be able to determine quite easily how often you need to top up your protection.  If having trouble you can simply use a pendulum to assist you.



See (or feel) lying in front of you a deep blue sleeping bag made of fine silk thread, as you pick it up you notice how light it feels and that it changes to the appropriate colour you need for the day.

Open the bag and step into it slowly bringing it up over you, seeing it cover and hug to your body and feeling the sensation of its rich material cover your energy field.

Bring the bag up and over your head and as it does become aware that the opening has now fused keeping you and your energy safe from those you encounter during your day.

See (or feel) in front of you a gigantic ball of bright light of colour, it may be the colours of the rainbow or perhaps a specific colour you are resonating with (preferably not white though).

Make your energy ball large enough that it encases your whole body and energy field (2cm’s around your physical).  See/feel the energy ball gently pulsating with pure energy and beckoning you towards it.

When you are ready step into the centre of the ball seeing and feeling it envelope your body and auric fields, sensing it not only putting you in a sphere of protection you also energising you inner force.

Surround the ball with a casing of crystal dust, adding an extra layer of protection for your day, and when you are ready bring your awareness back to the chair and room in which you are sitting.

Stand with your feet slightly apart and palms upright, bringing your focus to your breathing allowing yourself to relax and be in the present moment.  When you are ready, say:

“God above me, God below me, God beside me and God behind me, keep me safe and within your divine protection for the day. Namaste”

Close your eyes and take your focus to your solar plexus, allowing it to open slightly just enough to allow a stream of yellow light to flow, swirling around you forming an oval shaped cloud (like an egg) surrounding your physical and auric bodies.

Next see or feel pouring from the heavens above you a brilliant glow of silvery light, sending just the right amount to create a secondary stratum around the first oval of energy.

Now encase those two layers of energy with a shell which is made of a reflective material, perhaps hematite, gold or even a mirror which rebounds negative energy.  Sit allowing yourself to feel and see each layer at work, sensing the strength with each of them.

Close your eyes and state out loud:

“Please Angel of Protection I need your help.  Please help me protect my energy fields, keeping my energy my own and clear of other’s energy.  Please surround me with your blessed light and help me vibrate with my own.”

For those who have undertaken Reiki II training, draw a large Sei He Ki symbol, with the intention of protection and step into it, alternatively you can draw it over yourself.

When used in conjunction with Cho Ku Rei it increases the energy and purpose of the Sei He Ki.

Crystals are a wonderful tool to protect your energy field.  Crystals hold their own energy vibration and resonate with specific purposes.

Common protection crystals:   Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Snowflake Obsidian or  Smokey Quartz

Essential or Resonate Essence oils are an easy way to protect your energy field.  I tend to use this option in conjunction with using crystals as a quick way to invoke protection.

Common protection oils:  Lavender, Frankincense, Sage, Palo Santo and Resonate Essence Protection


When you use any of these tools you add a mirrored or reflective layer to create and strengthen your natural level of protection to others energies.  They are particularly ideal for empaths who unknowingly take on others energies.

The added purpose of protection is to reflect less than desirable energies back to the Universe for it to transmute and transcend.

Spiritual Basics ~ Grounding

Grounding has both spiritual and physical benefits.  Grounding is the process of connecting yourself to the earthly plane and bonding with mother earth. It helps to anchor you to be fully present in the now.

Native American’s believe that mother earth is the source of all life and is a great teacher to be observed, listened to and respected. Her energy is nurturing and restoring, assisting us to bring and give life to our hopes, dreams and ideas.

Science tells us that the Earth is abundant with energy, particularly electrons, which have powerful supply of antioxidant effects.   When you connect with the ground, preferably via bare feet, you are able to absorb large amounts of these electrons. Effectively you resonate at the same vibration as the Earth.

Experiments have also proven that undertaking grounding exercises, it can alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, improve sleep, balance hormones and in general enhance well being.

From a spiritual perspective, just as in electrics, grounding acts as a safety switch keeping us safe from being energetically overloaded from the spiritual plane.  We are spiritual beings (who are having an earthly experience) and even though most of us are not aware of it we often receive information, guidance and inspiration from above. However if we are not grounded, none of that is able to take form nor channelled into something of structure.

When you are grounded you are able to connect with your heart energy, which emanates your purpose and light into the world.  Also when you are heart coherent you tend to have increased mental agility and cognitive functioning.  You will find that you are much calmer and have increased emotional stability / consistency.   It also increases your energy levels and immunity.

Grounding also empowers your work (whether it is of a spiritual nature or not) as puts the physical and spiritual bodies into alignment. When we ground we too bring unyielding strength to our being, enabling us to take necessary action.

The act of grounding also allows us to bring our spiritual messages or divine guidance into existence so that we can communicate or create what the divine is imparting to us.

Another characteristic of grounding is that you can release (ground into mother earth) unwanted energy or negativity as well as excess energy. Mother earth works in such as way where will take that energy and transform it or utilise it.

How do you ensure your Grounded?

A good indication that you are not grounded is if you have a sensation of being “spaced out” and are uncommonly forgetful or clumsy. Also, if you are finding yourself sensitive to noise and light, it too can be an indication of being un-grounded.

It is advised that your ground yourself daily or at the very least once a week. Trust your intuition as to how often you need this. In essence grounding assists you in being more present in life, therefore if you are having difficulty in being present – ground yourself!


Be Tree Like

Stand with your feet apart and your arms relaxed by your side. Feel/see the trunk of your body and your legs become the trunk of a huge tree, feel your feet become heavy “sinking” into the ground, noticing that your toes have become tree roots delving deep into the mother earth, connecting you with her.

You become aware that foliage has sprouted from the top of your head and that your arms too have become branches. You now resemble a huge oak tree or blue gum if you prefer, you are now connected with both Father Sky and Mother Earth, balanced between both.

Connect with soil

A very quick and simple way of grounding is putting your hands in earth, whether than be re-potting an indoor plant or getting outside and doing some gardening. Alternatively allow your feet to make contact with mother earth by walking bare foot on the beach or in the garden.

Observe the texture, sensations and feeling at it touches your hands or feet and allow yourself to become child like with it (i.e. not caring about being ‘dirty’;).

Be in or with nature

Another simple way to ground is finding a place in nature which you find special and allow yourself to sit and be.   A favourite aspect of this is to sit at the base of a tree with your back to the trunk.  Heighten your awareness and look around you, permit yourself to see what is not visible to the ‘naked’ eye.

One of my favourite ways to ground is to find a luscious green patch of grass and stand barefoot.  Consciously connecting with it by raising my awareness of how it feels.  Then I release into the earth any and all negative energy, thoughts, people that might be with me so I can centre myself.

Rods of Light

Find a place where you can have a few moments by yourself and sit with your feet firmly on the ground.  See or feel at your base chakra (in your pelvic region) a ball of deep red spinning slowly, sit with the energy of that ball for a moment.

Now see (or feel) two rods of red light come out from the ball and travel down to your knees, pausing briefly. Next allow the energy to continue its journey moving down your shins to your ankles, down through the bottoms of your feet to connect deep with the core of mother earth.

See two huge boulders to which the cords tie themselves, allow the cords to wrap around the bolder and tie them off. When you are ready bring yourself back to the room knowing that you are now connected strongly with this plane.

Be Heavy

Stand with your feet hip width apart & press your feet firmly onto the ground and bend your knees coming into a semi squatting position. Stay there until you stop swaying & are standing strong.

Connect directly with nature

Go outside and hold onto the leaf of a plant or tree or place your hands against the tree trunk.  Alternatively you could sit at the base of the tree.  One of my favourites is to stand or walk barefoot on grass, allowing any negative energy to dispel into the earth leaving my own energy rejuvenated and aligned.

Quick Suggestions

  • dance and/or sing
  • walk barefoot along the beach or along grass
  • eat raw chocolate, nuts and/or berries
  • write
  • laugh

“Get yourself grounded and you can navigate even the stormiest roads in peace.” ~Steve Goodier