Tag Archives: Abundance


Feeling great? Understand why Kinesiology will still benefit you

When you are feeling great it is really interesting just how kinesiology will still benefit you and in some cases even more so.  Many of my clients will say “I’m feeling great, I don’t think I need to come” or “I’m not sure what we can work on”.  This is music to my ears as 1. it means Kinesiology is working for them and 2. now we can work in a very difference space.

However, it also made me realise that there is a misconception that kinesiology is ONLY a healing modality.

When you have “stuff” (a technical healing term) to work on you will be in a space where you are treating and remedying the issue/s.  Including the manifestations and symptoms of those issues e.g. anxiety.

At the initial stage of kinesiology, for most people, they are staying in their “stuff”, having gotten stuck in it and/or in the symptomology of the issue.  Whilst at some level you will need to go into the problem, the focus of kinesiology is to move you through it.

Once this foundation has been built, and reinforced, you will start to be feeling much better.  You’ll find you are aligned to the intention that was set for your sessions.  This doesn’t mean that you won’t be affected by life and it’s stressors.  Nor does it mean you won’t experience moments of emotions.  People, situations and events may shake the foundation.  This is why at the very least it is important to keep up maintenance sessions every three to six months.

Transcendental Balancing

However when you sustain a regular kinesiology program then your sessions becomes even more alchemistic.  You are able to come into a place of being where you thrive and build on what is good.  You tend to become more resilient to life stressors and you now are able to flourish.

This transcendental balancing aligns and connects you with your potential, supporting you to actualise it.  You are able to navigate life with higher executive cognitive functioning which enables your working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control.  You also become more positively disposed.

Kinesiology as a self development tool

Albert Einstein was reported to have said, “Once you stop learning, you start dying”.  I believe this can also be applied to self development.  In fact, neuroscience has shown that if the brain is not being used, like a muscle, it atrophies (wastes away).

Kinesiology certainly doesn’t make self development redundant, however it does support self development as it can uncover what you cannot.  Most times people are not aware of the program that is influencing them or where that program originated.  Kinesiology provides a framework for being able to uncover this.

Triad of Life

KTriad of Healthinesiology is a truly holistic modality as it works on the triad of health concept.   The triad of health is that you are not just your body; nor just your mind; nor just spiritual.  You are a combination of all three.

That the foundation for health is for all aspects of you to be in balance.  If not, the aspect which is out of balance will impact the other two.

The triad of health is represented in all aspects of life, not just health.  Therefore if you are only working on one aspect of personal development, then holistic development is not being achieved.

Personal development is mind; body and spirit.  Whilst you can achieve this by undertaking a combination of various modalities and exercises, kinesiology certainly covers all three at the same time!

The more I work with kinesiology, the more I learn from my clients.  One in particular has taught me the influence of regular kinesiology sessions – even when you feel great.  He has shown me how building on what is already great, enhances it.   As well as the fortitude to manage people, situations and events.   He truly lives from an empowered state and the regular session support him in maintaining and enhancing it.

Overall, even if you are feeling great, regularly kinesiology sessions ensure you are taking charge of your well-being.  Rather than waiting until things have compounded to be problematic.

If you are overdue for a session or haven’t seen a kinesiologist you can use the link below to schedule a session with us.


openness to receiving

Openness to receiving rather than allowing

Many healers, coaches and guides often speak about the concept of allowing things to happen, however recently during a meditation I was guided to having openness to receiving, rather than allowing myself to.  I wondered what is the difference, I mean fundamentally are they not the same thing?

Intuitively I can feel the difference between the two, logically I needed to understand what the difference is.  In looking at the definition of both words this becomes clearer as to the power of being open.

www.dictionary.com defines the word allowing as:  Allow, let, permit imply granting or conceding the right of someone to do something. Allow and permit are often interchangeable, but permit is the more positive. Allow implies complete absence of an attempt, or even an intent, to hinder.

Using the Macquarie Concise Dictionary the definition of openness as:  (a) an act or instance of making or becoming open. (b) an act or instance of beginning :commencement

The unseen forces of Spirit and Universal energy are subtle and thus they also give and receive messages in subtle ways.  This is why when you are making changes even slight ones they can have major results.

Thus when you engaged in the action of allowing, in fact you are already implying and giving a subtle indication that you have an intention to hinder.  It also gives a message that you are in control to grant you believe should be.

Recently a client of mine had been manifesting like crazy.  Via regular kinesiology balances she has raised, aligned and maintained her vibration to what she wanted to receive.  The she was being open and trusting what she wanted would happen.

And it was happening.   Things were flowing SO much that she became overwhelmed and triggered an unconscious program which sabotaged her.  Then, and very suddenly, the flow stopped.     Fundamentally she had closed herself off to having openness to receiving.

Basically openness to receiving means you let things flow and if they aren’t you remove the blocks.  This means firstly you need to know what it is that you want, so get specific.  Next surrender yourself to trust beyond any doubt then acknowledge and be grateful for what you do receive.

What often stops people from being open is an impeded flow of energy in their heart chakra and/or meridian.  As an organ our heart is responsible for pumping oxygenated blood through our system, thus providing oxygen and nutrients through out our physical body.  Studies have also shown that our heart emits more energy than our brain.  In fact it sends more messages to the brain than the brain does to the heart.  Thus a vital organ for many reasons.

Metaphysically the heart is considered as the Spiritual centre of the body.  It relates to love, acceptance, calm, peace, trust, forgiveness, radiate, free flowing and circulation.   When the heart energy is flowing a person has openness, is loving, they are engaging, it feels good to be around them, they are empowering and happy of others, they see the blessings and have acceptance of everything.

If the heart energy is blocked then a person can be fearful, condemning, frustrated, impatient, intolerant, distrusting, negative, dis-empowered and competitive.   They will focus on lack, complain and use negative wording.

Thus the best way to have openness to receiving is to ensure your heart energy is flowing and communicating.  Below is a process which enables you to have coherence and connection  in yourself as well as with the unseen energy and infinite energies and forces that surround you.

It is a process you can use daily to ensure you are generally open and vibrating, however you can also use it more specifically when you require additional support perhaps for making a decision, a meeting and/or for a presentation or less than easy discussion.

Be mindful that this is a process to connect in and open your heart energy.  Thus it is not a meditation.  You can do this process in five (5) minutes or you can choose to do it for fifteen (15).  Noting the more that you do mindfully d this process in the longer term the more automatic it will be that your heart energy is open and vibrating optimally.

Energetic Heart flow process

Take a deep breathe in and close your eyes, keeping them shut …. exhale.  Closing the door on the external world for the time you’ve allocated for this process.   Opening your self to be present moment of now.  Focusing on your breath, breathing in and out naturally.  Taking your breathe to any part of your body which is feeling tense and as you exhale, releasing that tension so you are free, right now to relax.

This time as you breathe in, take your breathe in deeper and hold it.  Then as you exhale, push all your breathe out, finding yourself sinking deeper into a relaxed state.

Bring the back of your hands together so that your fingers (on both hands) face towards you and bring your fingers in to touch the centre of your chest (in between your breasts at the same height as your nipples). In this area is an acupressure point known as the Sea of Tranquillity which helps to centre you and release any emotions which are being held on to.

It also supports your consciousness to know where you want your energy and attention to go to, which is from your external world to your internal one, specifically to your heart space. When we bring out consciousness to our heart space we strengthen the heart-brain connection, creating heart coherence.

The energy of our heart is love, compassion, trust, peace, appreciation, forgiveness and gratitude. So now turn your attention to see, feel or hear those things that make you happy. What, who or where lifts up your heart and makes you feel blissful?

It may be something, somewhere or someone you have recently come across, perhaps it is a memory or another time.

Now consider what, who or where makes you feel grateful or you have (or can have) appreciate of or for.

What, who or what do you love? and what is it specifically that you love?

What made you smile yesterday?  or over the last week?

Notice that as you keep thinking about things, people or places you love, make you happy and/or you are grateful for, how you start vibrating at a higher state and that you are being filled from head to toe with this vibration.

Continue to focus on all the things, people, places that make you happy.  That make you smile. Notice how you feel as you are filled with this heart energy.  Feel it emanating from you into the space around you, then filling up the room that you are sitting in.

Keep emanating this heart energy beyond the walls in which you sit.  Into the suburb in which you live, extending to the State and then Country where you are currently located.  Next radiating this energy to place in the world where it is needed most.

Knowing that as your heart energy radiates so too does your ability to attract all you desire, for you are coherent with the unseen forces and energy thus you are in the perfect vibration to be open to receive.

Now placing your hands in your lap, focus again on your breathing and be aware the noises that surround you, the furniture that you are sitting upon.  Feeling energised and aligned for your day, meeting or presentation ahead.


If you are, after doing this exercise, still finding yourself being blocked to openness then kinesiology may be for you.  Mention this article and you’ll receive a 10% discount.

You can schedule an appointment for kinesiology with us via: http://www.theinnersageaustralia.com/appointments/


Creating and manifesting by nature

Nearly every second post or article I seem to see at the moment relates to manifesting or abundance, it’s kind of like reading about goals in the ’80’s.  Which means it too has the risk of overexposure and the key message / tool being lost.

In being drawn to and reading about Celtic spirituality its occurred to me that the keys to creating what you desire is an equation which was discovered long ago and well before the topic of manifesting became popular.

Yet before we discuss the actual equation it is important to understand how your patterns contribute to what you are creating, as it is your nature – our inherent qualities – which contribute greatly to this.

Patterns are naturally found in many aspects of life; in nature, our bodies, the cosmos.   The meaning of pattern is:  a regular and intelligible form or sequence discernible in the way in which something happens or is done.

The word pattern derives from the Medieval Latin word ‘patronus’.  A word and concept made popular in the Harry Potter series and means “Protector”.  If we go further into the origin of the word we find ‘pater’ which means “one who advances the cause”.

So fundamentally your patterns are the way in which you do things to protect yourself and to advance your own needs and wants.  You will have positive patterns as well as negative ones.  The word positive derives from ‘positus’ meaning  ‘to put / to place’ and negative derivation is  ‘that which denies’.

The components of your patterns are attributes such as beliefs, values, rules, goals and their driving force.   These components are what you use to decide on what data you keep and dismiss, they are also what will determine your behaviours and actions.

To determine whether your patterns are working for or against you, pay close attention to what is going on around you.  What have you are or are you attracting into your life?  Whether positive or negative consider what is it you are commonly doing that works for you as well as doesn’t.

The ancient Celts used the formula of the Three Eyes of Kerridwen to create what they desired, in their time it was referred to magic, yet now days we call it manifestation.  The three factors are:

  1. Expectation;
  2. Desire; and
  3. Merging.


Your expectation is what you desire and want.  When clarifying your expectation it needs to be specific however it also needs to be succinct.  Which means you only include aspects that are important.


Desire can be likened to our intention, the drive or reason that behind what our expectation is.  The ecology of your desire is important; is it in your best interests; is it in the best interests of another and is it in the best interests of the Universe.  Your desire needs to be healthy and driven from a heart space which raises your vibration and enriches your life.


When you merge, you hand over your expectation to the Universe and be one with it.  You connect with the divine light to expand your consciousness and understand that you are boundless and that ALL is possible.

To be one with your expectation means that you have absolute trust and faith that what you want already exists and that it is on its way to you.  You allow synchronicity to happen.

When you doubt, have fears, or indecision you are sending the Universe in-congruent messages and start manifesting to match that fear, doubt and indecision.  To help raise above this use your breathe to expand your consciousness.  I was once told that Fear + Breath = Excitement, it’s a beautiful equation I use often.

The success of manifesting is dependant on how clear you are with your expectation; the intensity and richness of your desire and the congruency of your merge.

One of the main philosophies of the ancient Celts is the concept of oneness.  That when we are one with nature, and the Universe, we connect to with all that authentically are, our own divinity.   It is this connection which enables us to raise our vibration in order transform ideas into experience.

We experience oneness by just simply being….being one with the cycles of nature and allowing.

If you desire to connect more so with your oneness and to raise your energy and vibration then you may want to consider kinesiology.  To learn more about kinesiology either read our articles or visit:  www.theinnersageaustralia.com

Engage your RAS to manifest abundance!

With all the information around relating to abundance and manifestation very little is written about the RAS, which is interesting due to how critical it is in the manifesting process.  The RAS is a part of our biology, it isn’t in just some of us ~ it is within ALL of us, supporting the notion that we all have it within us to generate abundance

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is located in our brain stem and therefore is a part of our mammalian brain, better known as our Limbic System.  The Limbic Brain is where we record memories of behaviour that produced positive and negative experiences, it is also where our feelings and emotions are generated.  Thus it is from this part of our brain where we make value judgments, often unconsciously, that influence our behaviour.

In the book “Flow” by Hungarian biologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi he states that we receive via our sense approximately 2,000,000 bit of data per second, however the brain can only process 134 bits, or 0.0067% of that information.  One of the most important functions of the RAS is to filter the information that is not relevant to you.

The RAS can be considered Google Search Engine of your mind!   Your RAS will search for and retain only the data it considers relevant based on what your programming (beliefs, values, vibration).

Due to its location within the Brain the RAS is also considered the gatekeeper to our conscious, waking mind.  It will only send information to the conscious mind that it processes as safe, considers beneficial and of interest.  The great news is that we can assist the RAS by “telling” it what is of benefit and of interest to us.

In order for your RAS to be correctly engaged so its support you to manifesting what you want, you need to ensure the filtering parameters are correctly set.  Let’s consider this in terms of the Triad of Health, the three factors of which are:   Mental, Physical and Chemical.


    William James, known as the founder of American Psychology, stated “Belief creates the actual fact” and in the case of a person being able to manifest it will largely depend on what they believe.

To discover your beliefs bring consciousness to what you are speaking about, or what you are saying.  Because most beliefs are embedded when we are young, we often operate without realising.

Once you’ve acknowledge those beliefs that don’t serve you, you can change them!

    The words that we use not only communicate with others they also communicate directly with our own unconscious mind.  Each word holds a vibration of positive or negative context or energy, all of which can either leave us uplifted or depleted.

A great example is the word “should”, it is a guilt word and each time we use it we are unconsciously burdening ourselves.

Not only is it the words we use, yet also how we say things.  Most people make statements about what they don’t want rather than what they do want.  The unconscious mind doesn’t hear the superlative so instead of hearing “I don’t want to be tired”, it hears “tired” and acts accordingly.

Phrase things in a positive manner such as “I feel less than energised” because you know it,  the unconscious mind isn’t hearing “tired”, it is hearing “energised”.

    Focus is what we give our attention to, and what we give our attention to is where we place our mind as well as our energy.  Thus telling our RAS that it is important to us.  So if you are focusing on the wrong things you’ll be missing the right things including opportunities to manifest what you want.

Consider what is it that you are giving your attention to?  What are you thinking about? What are you speaking about?  If it isn’t what you want, then STOP and adjust.

    A spiritual mindset is one of gratitude for what you currently have and whatever (no matter how small) you receive.  It is where you know there is universal abundance, enough for all so there is no need for jealousy or greed which leads us to being blissful and happy for others when they are successful.

It is knowing that you are aligned to manifesting also, and that your time for receiving is happening.  Spend time practicing gratefulness and where you can supporting others with their achievements and goals.



    A few years ago it seemed that one of the key messages regarding manifestation was missed, and that is taking action ~ no matter how big or small the task.  By being active, particularly by trying unfamiliar things, you give the RAS more positive references to draw upon.

So write a list of actions that you can take which move your towards what you want.  If any of the actions seem overwhelming break them down into smaller ones.  Then each day take 3-5 actions that you can implement.

    Meditation is well documented for having both physical and mental benefits.  Some of the physical benefits include:

    • Lowering high blood pressure
    • Decreasing tension
    • Increases serotonin, positively improving mood and behavior
    • Boosts the immune system
    • Enhances energy levels

All of which assists us in having the right enthusiasm and zeal for such things as taking action and being able to focus.  However you can use visualisation within your meditation to out manoeuver the unconscious mind.

The unconscious mind doesn’t know fact from fiction and therefore when you visualise it thinks it is real.  You can use this to your advantage by visualising what you want, thereby engaging the RAS to ensure information supporting this will be kept.

Allocate 15 minutes for meditation and specifically visualising, seeing what you want as if it already is.  If what you want is important to you, you’ll make the time.

    A vision board is a physical reminder of what you want.  It can help you clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on what you desire, and we now know that what we focus on tells the RAS that these things are important to you.

Start collecting images, words, items that remind you of your desires and when you are next shopping buy yourself a board and put it up where you’ll see it.  Or perhaps start a board on Pininterest yet make sure you look at it daily!



    What you eat and drink greatly influences your body and brain’s ability to function optimally.  What we digest provides the nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, water, amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids, that our body and brain utilises to do even the simplest of tasks.

Yet too, what you eat or drink speaks volumes about what you think of and how you treat yourself.  All of which has a direct line of communication with the RAS.

What foods, drinks are you digesting which do not nourish or fuel your body?  Consider what you can replace them with that you would love and DO it!

    Resonate Essences are an amazingly simple & effective tool to assist you to align your vibration back to a state of pure Being.

Resonate Essences range uses a distinctive range of light, colour, and sound frequencies and each essence is multi-layered, designed to defuse your negative emotions & patterns as well as infuse the positive qualities, emotions & patterns.

When we infuse the right emotions it enhances the limbic system and consequently the RAS system, giving them more positive references to draw upon.

After seeing the results clients have had with the Abundance drops, we recommend getting yourself some & taking them!

We have provided you with a few ideas on how to ensure your Reticular Activating System is engaged, now its up to you to select which ones resonate with you most and implement them!