Tag Archives: Dead Sea Salt

Dead Sea Salts v’s Epsom Salts

Dead sea salts are a mineral salt harvested only from the Dead Sea, which is located between Jordan and Israel. The Dead Sea is in fact a saline lake located 400m below sea level and its waters have a salt content of 33% compared with usual sea water which has a salt content of 3%.

For thousands of years the Dead Sea has been known for its therapeutic qualities. Its water has a rich mineral composition that contains high concentrations of magnesium, phosphates, calcium chloride, zinc, iodine and bromides, which is the same mineral composition of amniotic fluid.

Epsom Salts were originally discovered in the English town of Epsom, however their source can vary. Epsom Salts are a naturally occurring mineral compound that contains high levels of magnesium, sulfur as well as oxygen and water.

Both Dead Sea salts and Epsom salts have therapeutic benefits.

Dead Sea Salts, when heated in water, create negative ions which connect with our positively charged bodies to promote healing, creating balance, relaxation and feeling renewed. Other benefits include:

  • Relieves sore joints and muscles, as well as a muscle relaxant
  • Skin Conditions ~ Eczema, Psoriasis, acne, dry skin
  • also softens and recharges skin
  • Encourages natural body cell repair
  • Calms nervous system
  • Relieves Rheumatic conditions
  • Relieves allergic reactions
  • Speeds up healing and recovery
  • Cleanses and charges our physical, mental and energetic bodies
  • Grounds and centres
  • Uplifts you to transcend your current vibration and be in alignment with source energy

Epsom salts is a natural product with a multitude of health benefits as well as household uses. Health benefits include:

  • Increases magnesium levels, thus helping with:
    – sleep
    – concentration
    – proper muscle and nerve function
    – increases energy and stamina (by encouraging the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
  • Reduces swelling and inflammation
  • Ease muscle tension and cramping
  • Aids with relaxation and being able to sleep
  • Relieves arthritis symptoms
  • Is a Natural laxative
  • Draws toxins out of the physical and spiritual bodies
  • Grounds and centres
  • Raises our energetic vibration

You can also enhance your salts by using a few drops of a Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil, we recommend oils from the doTERRA.

Always follow safety precautions when soaking in a Dead Sea salt or Epsom salt bath. Use caution when getting into or out of the tub and avoid water that is too hot.

Always use caution, as skin sensitivity, rashers, allergic reactions and respiratory distress may occur in some individuals, in particular avoid using Epsom salts if you are sensitive so Sulfur. If unsure please seek the advice of your physician.

When using essential oils, check for any contraindications to determine if they pertain to you and if unsure contact a qualified Aromatherapist or physician.