Tag Archives: Lisa Westerlaken

Flattening the emotional curve

Right now there is so much discussion, and guidelines, on how to flatten the curve. It is just as important that we give the same consideration to flattening the emotional curve.

One of the main reasons it is important to flatten the emotion curve is due to the impact our emotions have on our health.  Neuroscientist Candace Pert explains in her book, Molecules of Emotion, “As our feelings change, this mixture of peptides travels throughout your body and your brain. And they’re literally changing the chemistry of every cell in your body.”

Our cells are fundamental building blocks of our physical being.  It is at this level where our health and well-being is determined.    It is said that 95% of dis-ease is stress related. If our cells are flooded with negativity,  negative chemistry will result. Impacting your cells from performing optimally.

As described by Hockenbury & Hockenbury, “An emotion is a complex psychological state that involves three distinct components: a subjective experience, a physiological response, and a behavioural or expressive response.”  

This means what you are fundamentally in charge of your emotional curve. What you are feeling is right for you. Based on what you have decided something to mean for you. Now I’m not saying that what you are thinking is necessarily correct, your perception will be your reality.

Most people deny how they are feeling, especially when it is typically considered to be negative. Yet when you deny, repress or do not allow an emotion you create a neurological block. A block not only to that negative emotion yet also to the equally opposite positive one.

Typically considered negative emotions, used correctly are healthy, as long as you don’t allow them to fester and spiral into them. There is a big difference in acknowledging how you are feeling and spiralling into that feeling.

Dissolving emotions

First step in flattening the emotional curve is to acknowledging how you feel and give yourself permission to feel that way. For example it is okay to be angry as long as you don’t spiral down (or out of control) with your anger

The next step is to endeavour to understand the reason you are feeling that way. I’m a great believer in not needing the know the why in order to heal; however it can assist. So if you can’t work it out, that too is okay.

Then you need to ask yourself what is it you need to dissolve the negative emotion (or heighten a positive one). Making sure you following through on doing whatever it is you need.

Other tools to help flatten the emotional curve are:


Meditation is the act of contemplation, reflection and/or prayer where you focus your mind with the intention of slowing down that thoughts will rise and choosing to not engage with these thoughts.  

It is the process of be-ing; in that exact moment in time, free of busyness and distractions, not in the past and not in future, just present moment.

Like any new skill meditation can take time to master. So be compassionate with yourself when you start – it may you take you a few times before you are able to stop engaging with your thoughts.

To support your meditation process, try giving yourself another focus, such as your breath or music. A great breathing method for getting in to meditation is the 4-7-8 method. Breathe in for four, hold for seven and breathe out for eight. It helps relax you by shifting your from Sympathetic Nervous system (fight / flight response) to the Parasympathetic Nervous system (calm/composed state).

Another favourite suggestion for beginners is to light a candle and place your focus on the flame. Closing your eyes and then bringing the image of the flame into your mind. When your mind starts to wander open your eyes and focus on the physical flame, then closing your eyes again getting that image of the flame back in your minds eye. Continue doing so for the duration of the meditation.

Also start small…as in 5 or 10 minutes. Some is better than none.

Thymus Tapping

In Kinesiology we use thymus tapping to overall increase your energy levels as well as help energetically increase your capacity and ability to cope.  In addition it is believed to energetically increase your immune system.

To do this tap on the centre of your chest where your sternum is and at the same time tap on the side of your body in alignment with where the crease of your arm naturally falls. Do this for approx. 30 seconds on one side and then 30 seconds on the other. 

Focus of Concern / Focus of Influence

Stephen Covey in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People refers to the Circle of Influence v’s Circle of Concern.  Essentially it is about where you are placing your focus.  Are you focused on what is concerning you and getting bogged down by those concerns or are you focused on what action/s you can take to address what concerns you.

Focus of influence is about being empowered and proactive; to help you realise you have more power over things than you think.


Humans are teleological, which means we have a natural, inbuilt goal seeking drive.  If we are not out seeking our own goals we tend to help and support others to seek theirs. 

So having a goal, even if for the hour or day, sets your focus and intention on achieving something positive for yourself.


James Pennebaker, a professor at the University of Texas undertook over forty years of research as to how journalling helped the individual to process significant emotional experiences.  His researched demonstrated that by spending 20 minutes per day journalling participants experienced significant improvements physically and mentally.

They indicated they were happier, more cheerful and hopeful and calmer.  Months after the journalling sessions their blood pressure had lowered, immune function impressed and overall felt healthier.   They also indicated their relationships had improved, their memory was better and were having more successes at work.

Journalling / writing allows us to step out from the problem and see it from another perspective.  Thus creating distance which can bring perspective about a situation.

Vitamin B & Iron

A scientific study from Japan found there is a significant correlation between panic/anxiety attacks and low levels of vitamin B6 and iron.

Serotonin, your body’s natural mood stabiliser and “happiness chemical”. It is synthesised in the body from the amino acid, tryptophan. For the synthesis of serotonin, vitamin B6 (Vit B6) and iron play important co-factors.

Thus increasing foods that are a source of tryptophan, Iron and Vitamin B could help improve your mindset. Foods that are a source of tryptophan are pumpkin seeds, turkey, grapefruit, tune, eggs, chia seeds, mozzarella sesame seeds and pistachios. Foods rich in Iron are spinach, red meat, lentils, cooked oysters, dark chocolate and white beans. Foods rich in Vitamin B6 are pork, turkey, fish, eggs, potato and bananas.


Just as you protect your physical body, it is important that we also protect and safeguard your energy fields in order to keep your energy clear of others energy and/or negative influences.

Energy which is not your own, especially when it is negative energy, can influence you resulting in stress, imbalance, mood swings, tiredness, lack of confidence, illness.  Such energy can actually depletes your own energy leaving you without the vitality you need for general living.

Daily we interact with EMF’s – electromagnetic fields which we can’t see yet are received with us.  Same too with energy.  When you interact with people, or even when passing by strangers,  your energy field connects or interacts with their energy field. This is why sometimes certain people can make you feel “off”.

Some of my favourite ways to protect my energy is essential oils such as Lavender or Frankincense, I also love the Resonate Essences Protection oil and I tend to use black tourmaline crystals to safeguard my energy fields.

If you found this helpful, be sure to head over to website for other articles full of tips and guidance.

Also if, after trying these techniques, you are still struggling with processing through your emotions then consider scheduling an appointment for kinesiology.  You can book an appointment with me via:  http://www.theinnersageaustralia.com/appointments/


Creating and Living with Resilience

No matter how much personal development or “work” we do on ourselves there will always be people, situations or things that happen which will stress, challenge and most likely upset us.  Resilience is the one thing that makes a major difference to how well we “bounce back” from such times.

Resilience is the ability to adapt, overcome and rebound from less than easy life events and experiences.  To be able to change and approach how we view and address such situations as effectively and beneficially as possible.

It has often been described as an art and perhaps it is, however I more so consider it to be a quality that anyone can create.  Resilience can be described as a choice; a choice to rise beyond adversity.

To transcend the pain, stress and unhappiness to develop mastery over how something affects you.  To develop a strong self worth and belief within yourself and your capabilities.  Thus to know that you can handle anything that comes your way.

Benefits of resilience

Due to our personal history, influential people in our life and the environment we have been brought up in, resilience will vary from person to person.  Also during our lifetime our resilience can fluctuate.

So whilst some people will be more resilient than others, most people will need to develop this trait.  The most common way to do this is to experience challenging situations however there are methods we can consciously engage to help build resilience.

Individuals who have resilience tend to:

  • have a positive “self” relationship (self confidence, self worth, self belief, self respect and self love)
  • be in control of and manage their emotions effectively
  • accept that life is a balance of  “Yin / Yang” (good and not so good AND there is good in the not so good)
  • have self awareness of their reactions in order to change them
  • understand the motivation behind others reactions and behaviours
  • believe they can influence situations
  • live in an empowered mindset rather than a victim mentality
  • seek solutions rather than problems
  • are effective listeners and communicators
  • develop networks and ask for help when needed

Building Resilience

As previously mentioned anyone can build resilience if they choose to.  For some, due to their circumstances and adversities, they may already have resilience however they may not have acknowledged it.

So perhaps the first step is to consider and acknowledge where you actually do have resilience. What are those situations where you’ve been able to demonstrate the above traits?

Other ways to build resilience are:

  • Start each day with being heart unified.  Place your hands in your heart area.  This helps to bring your consciousness from your head into your heart.  Now consider what are you (or could you be) grateful for?  Who are you grateful for?  What happened today or yesterday that you are thankful for?  What makes you happy?  or makes you smile?
  • Keep a success journal.  For how we suggest to do this, read our article:  Inner Sage Article – Journalling
  • Know yourself to Love yourself.  List your positive traits and strengths.  Now list your negative traits.  Now what are the positives / benefits of those negative traits.
  • Redefine what perfection is.  Know there is perfection in imperfection and consider this:  how do you know that what you consider as “imperfection” is not actually perfect?!!
  • Nurture yourself, do something that is just for you
  • Connect with like minded people and/or spend time with people who make you laugh and feel good
  • Consider what is in your sphere of influence and what is not.  Give energy only to those things that you can influence and/or change.  Let go of what you can’t.
  • Learn something new.  Not only does it help make new neurological pathways it also shows you that you ARE capable
  • Do something “fearful” each day.  By doing so we are teaching ourselves to “feel the fear and do it anyway”.  Each time building your confidence muscle that you CAN achieve things
  • Make a list of what you’ve been putting aside and do one thing each day
  • Consider the benefits or upside of a stressful / challenging situation, person, etc.  What is the lesson or insight that it provides for you

Resilience is similar to Rome, it wasn’t built in one day.  If you are serious to building it then you will need to commit to taking actions on a regular basis.  When you do this you will find the easier it does become to bounce back from those challenging and stressful situations.

If after trying these techniques you are still struggling with building resilience then consider scheduling an appointment for kinesiology.  You can book an appointment with us via:  http://www.theinnersageaustralia.com/appointments/



Enhance your Psychic Reading

Tips to enhance your psychic reading

We all have psychic abilities, just as we all can play a piano ~ albeit some are better than others.  Everyone is naturally talented at something however we can also chose to develop and fine tune talents and skills.  The individual who has decided to work giving psychic readings (whether naturally or via tutelage) has a heightened sense of sight, sound, hearing, sensing and instinct.  Allowing them to be attuned to energies that are around them or their clients.

Psychic readings are tripartitie, meaning it is consists of the interaction of three energies.  Those of the psychic medium; energies of the divine world (Spirit Guides, loved ones, etc) as well as your own.  Which means that your energy can either help support or hinder the messages you receive.

An analogy of how the interaction works can be likened to the mechanics of a radio.  The psychic, like an antenna, is able to receive electromagnetic energy.  Energy passing by for the specific broadcasting station (their client) which they have tuned into receive for.  However just as the radio energy waves can be blocked or interrupted (e.g. Radio Jammer) so too can the information the psychic receives for you.

In order for you to get the best out of your psychic reading there are steps you can take.  Thus being open and not interfere or “jam” the information available for you.

  1. Be well hydrated for your reading

    Water and spiritual energy are like chocolate and milk, they compliment each other very nicely!  When you are hydrated it allows your body, and energy, to be working at an optimum level.  This support the connection, and flow of information, between you and the psychic.

    Also when your psychic is a healer, there is an element of realignment and healing which will occur for you.  The more hydrated you are, the more effective this healing energy will be.

  2. Abstain from alcohol and drugs

    Depending on how much you have drank, alcohol can stay in your system for for at least 10 hours,  thus it is best not to have any alcoholic substance for at least 24 hours prior to your reading.

    Most illicit drugs can stay in your system for up to four (4) days, with Cannabis it can be up to thirty (30) days, so to be on the safe side it is best to abstain from such substances for at least seven (7) days.

    Alcohol and drugs not only affect your mind and body it also affects your energy field.  Lowering your vibration as well as making it dark and murky.  When your energy is vibrating at a lower frequency you may be more susceptible to mischievous energies which can skew the information being received.

  3. Be present, calm and relaxed

    Give yourself enough time to arrive for your appointment so that you arrive in a calm and relaxed manner.  The worst thing you can do is walk into your session stressed and all over the place.

    Even if it means you will be five minutes late, take a few minutes to breathe, centre yourself and ground your energy.  This will allow you to be present and concentrating on the reasons you are at your session for.

  4. Have healthy skepticism and remain open

    I encourage a healthy dose skepticism, most probably because whilst I absolutely believe in what I do, I too can be somewhat sceptical.  However healthy skepticism does not mean testing your psychic nor refraining from confirming information as this creates resistance and blocks for information to be received.

    Personally I don’t like knowing information about my clients, if they begin to tell me something I politely ask them to stop so 1. they don’t influence the reading and 2. so they know the information I am receiving is from Spirit.   However at times I do require my clients to place the information for me.  The information I receive is spot on, it is just in my human form I can misplace or misinterpret the information and require my client to place it.

    Recently I had two sisters come to see me (in separate sessions), sister #1’s session was good however sister #2’s was exceptional.  What was the difference?  Sister #1 was resistant to the messages as she (perhaps unconsciously) only wanted to hear certain things.  However sister #2  was open to the information she was receiving.

    It reinforced for me that a reading is not just dependant on my abilities and preparations, it is also dependant on the openness of the client.

  5. Come prepared

    Spirit will bring forth guidance and answers as to what they know you need, however this doesn’t mean that you can’t also have questions or topics you are wanting guidance on.  Also those loved ones which want to come through, will find a way to come through, however we can also request whom we would like to speak with (noting it doesn’t always mean they will come through)

    Whilst I encourage clients to be somewhat prepared, a person can also over prepare, which means they close themselves off to the information Spirit sees as important.  Have an idea of whom you want to contact or topics/questions you would like guidance on yet also be open to what is being channelled for you.

  6. Be aware of psychic amnesia

    Psychic amnesia is when during  a psychic reading information we know is temporarily forgotten.  I’ve had many examples of clients who have been given information and said it doesn’t make sense, only for it to either later in the reading or when they get home.

    Psychic amnesia occurs when a client is too focused on who or what they want to hear; if they are fearful of what the information may reveal; the have unhealthy level of skepticism;  they are distracted or perhaps even awestruck.

  7. Understand language / terminology differences

    Words and phrases have different meanings to different people, so whilst I would never ask a client to accept something they can’t, also be aware that what meaning a word has for you may be different to what the psychic does.  If needs be ask the client to give more information.

    I have examples of where I have given a message which my client couldn’t resonate with, only for me to re-phrase it (effectively saying the same thing), for the client to understand and accept the message.

  8. Know you have free will

    We are born with free will, giving us the ability to make choices and this is extremely important when you receive information and guidance from Spirit.

    An effective psychic reading will present empowering information to you which gives you choices.  Ultimately it is up to you as to what information you accept and discard as well as to which pathway you decide is right for you.

A psychic reading can be a fun, rewarding, empowering and healing experience, which can also bring a sense of direction, focus and/or peace.  When you follow some, if not all, these tips you can only enhance that experience.


Goals – ignite your inner navigation

Goals are a key tool which enable our inner navigation system.  Whilst having goals has been popularised again in recent times, it certainly isn’t a new concept.  The suggestion / recommendation of having goals has been written and spoken about for aeons.

For some, the way that goals have been impressed upon them (usually in a corporate environment where they are referred to as KPI’s) has meant that goals have a negative connotation and irreverence.

The result of which is that many consider goals as an obligatory task, a tick of the box so once it’s done they can focus on the “important stuff” – that long list of things to do.  Thus there is no value, emotion or connection to the “obligatory” task/s that have been set.

So once done, the busyness of life takes over and becomes more important.  Whilst the person is taking action and getting things done, they aren’t always the actions that will get them what they really desire nor where they want to be.

More than an obligation

Consider the origin of the word, goal, which is thought to derive either from the Middle English “gale” meaning “a way or course” or the Old Norse word of “geil” meaning “passage”.  Goals thus can be considered as a guiding tool which guide and keep us on course or provide the passage to where we want to be or what we want to have.   As well as a way to measure and track how we are progressing.

Imagine setting sail to sea without any co-ordinates as to where your destination will be.  Whilst you will find a destination it may not be the destination you were after and you may waste a lot of time and energy in getting there.

This is a great analogy of what life is like without goals.  Whilst we are sailing through life and finding ourselves at certain “destinations” they aren’t always the ones we really want to be at or desire.  In addition to this we’ve often wasted a lot of energy in the journey of getting to such destination, as the course taken may not have been as direct as it could have been.  Energy which could have easily been used more effectively.

Goals have an unexplainable magnetic quality that can attract situations, people and opportunities in order to support you achieving them.  I personally believe that goals are a way to tell the Universe / God / Angels (whomever or whatever you believe in) what it is you want.

That  once you are aligned with your goals mentally (beliefs), physically (taking action) and emotionally (goal has meaning) this is when your magnetic force is enabled and miraculous opportunities, people, etc come your way in order for your goals to come to fruition.

Yale University Study

A study was conducted at Yale University in the 1950’s which demonstrated the influential effects that having written goals can have on our lives.  The same study was conducted in the 1970’s with the same results.

Although all graduates had goals only 3% actually had their goals clearly defined by writing them down.  The graduates were tracked over a 20 year period and the results reflected that those graduates who had written goals were, in terms of wealth, worth more than the combined wealth of the other 97%.  The results also showed that those 3% of graduates had superior health and relationships.

A client had a goal of working in management in the organisation she worked for.  The management structure in her company is quite flat and the likelihood of her sitting on the management team in the near future didn’t seem high, however she wrote her goal and aligned to it.    In the weeks that followed, one of the managers announced that she was taking a year off and may not return.  My client applied for the position and was successful!

Teleological & Vitalistic

As humans we are regarded as teleological and vitalistic.  Teleological is the principle that refers to our natural, inbuilt goal seeking drive and that if we are not out seeking our own goals we go off and help others to seek theirs.

This is what happens in a lot of companies, people begin to strive for their companies goals and not their own (please note I am not suggesting that we all have our own business, yet when working for someone else have clear defined goals, so you don’t “loose your way”).

Vitalistic is the principle that suggests we self determine our reality.  In fact it is our minds that create our external environment.  So dream up what you want, state it & then be open to opportunities that will present themselves.  The main point of this principle is that we also are required to take action.

To support our vitalistic natures is our internal Reticular Activating System, which when told something is important (i.e. our goal) then it no longer dismisses information which it may have previously.  Hence why we notice previously mentioned opportunities, people, etc.

One final and important point is that when we set goals which have a significance and meaning to us, our emotions are engaged.  The word emotion originates from the French word “emouvoir” which means to excite, as well as the Latin word “emovere” which means to move.

Which means when our emotions are engaged we excitedly move towards our goals.



Kinesiology ~ it could be for you!

Many years ago I started my business doing Life Coaching….and I loved it!  Many of my clients made massive change in their life yet others, whilst they made some changes, would sabotage this change and keep repeating the patterns.

It was only until I studied Kinesiology that I came to understand that life coaching is only one dimensional.  As in it only works with the mind however human being are three dimensional, mind, body and spirit.  So whilst working the mind will help, if the body and spirit aren’t in alignment then change is only temporary.

What I love about kinesiology is that it is three dimensional and thus truly holistic.  Within a session all three dimensions of a being are being balanced.

The main focus / area I use kinesiology is with clients who don’t have a healthy “self” relationship.  i.e. they lack self confidence, self esteem, self belief, self respect.  Our self relationship is the most important relationship we can have as our external world is a reflection of our internal one.  So if you are attracting toxic relationships it is likely your self relationship is unhealthy.

Many of my clients respond yes to one or more of the following questions:

  • Do you interact (treat and/or speak) with yourself negatively?
  • Do you seek external validation?
  • Lack healthy boundaries?
  • Question and/or doubt your self?
  • Have negative beliefs, lack self worth and confidence?
  • Perhaps feeling fearful and anxious?
  • Attracting and/or not letting go of toxic relationships, friendships, environments?
  • Stuck in the past and not moving forward?
  • Maybe loosing your self within relationships.
  • Lacking or loosing your energy, vitality and spark for life?

Demystifying kinesiology

Kinesiology is an energy based healing modality with strong roots in both Eastern philosophies, such as Chinese meridian system, as well as the Western study of Anatomy and Physiology.  The word Kinesiology derives from the Greek word “kinesis” meaning movement and “kinein” meaning to move.  Therefore kinesiology could be seen as the science or branch of knowledge related to movement.

Using muscle testing, kinesiologists are able to obtain information from your body;muscle testing information which indicates where a stress or block could be in your body as well as the possibly origin of such stress.

Kinesiologists also believe that your body has its own innate healing ability and thus any work they do is working to balance and empower your body to connect with this ability.

A kinesiologist has a tool bag of varying techniques referred to as corrections, which are used to bring your body back into alignment and balance, thus addressing the energy blockages identified.

What happens at a session?

Based on the goal you have set with the kinesiologist for the session, varying correction techniques will be used.  These are mix of tried and proven energy based techniques and may include:

  • Gently holding or massage acupressure points
  • Tracing one or several meridian pathway/s
  • Use of Resonate or other Essences
  • Hydration techniques
  • Clearing of sabotage patterns
  • Chakra balancing
  • Energy and colour work
  • Visualisation and meditative work
  • Challenging perceptions and beliefs

What occurs during a consultation?

At your first session, your Kinesiologist will review your history to determine where you are in life and what you are experiencing, then help you determine where it is you want to be and what  you want to achieve, which becomes the goal for your session.

The kinesiologist will, using muscle testing, ensure your body is clear to communicate, as well as strong enough to access your innate healing ability, correcting where needed.

They will then determine, via your body, imbalances or stresses that stop you from achieving your defined goal, applying the correction technique required to remove such blocks and create more options for you to achieve your goal.

Depending on what you are working on, it can take a number of session before benefits are observed, however some clients may achieve immediate results.

What can Kinesiology be used for?

Kinesiology does not treat, diagnose or prescribe, what we do is balance your energy system to be in alignment with what you want to achieve.  Kinesiology has achieved results with people wanting to:

  • Be confident, self belief and self worth
  • Trust in their decisions and take action
  • Value them self and have healthy boundaries
  • Let go of toxic relationships and environments
  • Alleviate anxiety and stress ~ physical, emotional or mental
  • Increase their energy, vitality and feeling happy
  • Overcoming fears and past traumas
  • Provide support regarding major change/s
  • Releasing blocked potential and enhancing performance ~ school, work, sport
  • Increase brain function, learning and comprehension
  • Refining and boosting creative flow
  • Helping sleep routines & being well rested
  • Aiding with recovery from Injury
  • Easing pain issues (incl headaches & migraines)
  • Achieve weight goals

Ultimately the best way to determine whether kinesiology is right for you is to actually try it!   We have an introductory 1.5hr session for only $100.  To schedule an appointment contact us on 0407 696 454 or visit http://www.theinnersageaustralia.com/appointment-randwick/


Shattering the Fear Barrier

There I was kitted up with safety gear and connected to our Tree Top Adventure at Yarramundi, NSW (near Sydney), trying to take the first step…I’m not sure why it had never occurred to me that our adventure would involve heights, you’d think the name of this adventure park would have given it away, however not once did it cross my mind and I found myself literally frozen to the spot.

I couldn’t move, the communication from my brain to my legs was blocked with negative chatter which was causing me neurological stress, stopping me from not being able to gather my thoughts.

If you have ever experienced immobilising fear then you will understand how your heart rate increases, your body temperate rises, you can’t think straight and your legs become jelly with no strength to move, feeling like you are stuck to the spot.

So there I was experiencing all of these symptoms, with my beautiful eight year old off and away making her way through the course.  Firstly I tried to coax her to come back, suggesting we go do the easy kids option, yet she couldn’t hear me (or wasn’t listening) .  Then I discovered, due to the way the safety gear works, once your hooked on to the wire the only way to get off (apart from finishing the course) is to call for the supervisor to unlock you…and in that moment there was no supervisor in sight…so there seemed to be only one way to deal with my fear and that was to face it head on and move forward.

The power of our mind is a truly marvellous thing and reminds me of a time when at the dentist.  Due to an abscess I required a tooth extraction, the thought of the pain involved with this procedure was so overwhelming for me that the dentist’s only option was to do the work with me “zoned” me out.  I was given a drug that relaxed me to such a deep level that I had no conscious awareness of what was happening.

A few weeks later I was back to have my teeth cleaned and the dentist commented how he couldn’t understand how I could have my teeth cleaned without any support (to zone me out).  I told him “oh that’s easy, in my mind having my teeth cleaned doesn’t hurt”.

What an epiphany that laid within that response, the key words being “in my mind”.

Whilst our bodies may respond physically, the fear of a situation (or (most) people, places or things) begins in our mind and we make whatever we are telling ourself so real that our body responds to support our thoughts.

As I stood high up above the ground on that wire, with limited choices, I acknowledged my fear and decided that being a positive role model for my daughter was more important.  In that moment I realised that what I was telling myself was not real, it really was False Evidence Appearing Real.   So I took one step and then another, and then another AND it was exhilarating.

The brain has a natural tendency to seek out negatives, inherited from our cavemen ancestors whom such thinking and being “on guard” was critical to their survival, however their amgydala response reactions which imprinted, are still inherent within us.

The emotional part of our brain is the amygdala, which regulates our fight or fight response.  It monitors situations and determines what our response should be and is often engaged even before our neocortex (rational brain) has awareness of what is happening.

In order to change this we need to re-train the amygdala and put in practice ways to calm the amygdala and engage the neocortex.   Here are some ideas that you can work with to achieve this:

  • Breathe
    With mindfulness and intention focus on deep breathing.  Breathing in through your nose, counting to ten, so your ribcage rises as you expand your chest.  Now breathe out slowly through your mouth or nose if more comfortable.
    This techniques gives your neocortex time to catch up with the amygdala and therefore give you a rational option for response, yet too it increase the oxygen in your body stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system and promoting a calm state.
  • Focus
    Change your focus to something you can appreciate or see as a positive about the situation, as it is difficult for the brain to experience two emotions at the same time.
  • Awareness
    If you can do this in the moment, even better, however afterwards is fine.  Consider your response and what the trigger was that prompted your response, because when we know the trigger then we can consider what a more appropriate response is to it and how you would like to act in future.
    To embed the new response you can use NLP Swish response or even a simple visualisation of yourself acting in the new way to the trigger.
  • Creative Activities
    Any creative activity such as imagination, meditation, visualisation, art, cooking, dance, singing stimulates the frontal lobes of the brain where the neocortex is located, making it easier to remain focussed and be in charge of our your reactions.
  • Regulating Fear
    This is one of my favourite bits of advice, to do something you find fearful (which is safe and within reason) on a regular basis.  When we do this we train our brain that it is OK to feel fear and to not be disabled by it.  We are also practising courageousness and creating new neurological connections.

Lastly I have found not only personally yet also with clients Kinesiology to be a wonderful modality which aids a person to bypass their conscious mind and re-align their neocortex (as well as energy centres) so they can more easily move towards what they want.

In the immortal words of Susan Jeffers “Feel the fear and do it anyway”.


Spiritual Basics ~ Protection

Protection ~ What is it?
In a general sense protection is the act of keeping oneself, another or something safe from being harmed or damaged.  From a spiritual perspective it is the same concept however it is more specifically the safeguarding of your energy fields in order to keep your energy clear of others energy and/or negative influences.

Energy which is not your own, particularly energy which is less than positive, can influence you causing stress, imbalance, mood swings, tiredness, lack of confidence, illness.  Such energy can actually depletes your own energy leaving you without the vitality you need for general living.

Daily we interact with EMF’s – electromagnetic fields which we can’t see.  If you think about the radio, signals are being sent and received.  They exist and we know they do when we listen to the radio, however we don’t actually see them. 

Same too with energy.  When you interact with another person there is an energy exchange.  At times that energy exchange will be a positive one, leaving you feel uplifted.  At times it will be the opposite.  

When you interact with people, or even when passing by strangers,  your energy field connects or interacts with them, this especially happens when our energy centres are “open”.  However negative energy seems to be more easily transferable, particularly to people who are resonating higher.     The “darker” energy gravitates to “light”.  

Negative energy is created via:

  • Destructive emotions (such as hate, jealousy, anger, fear)
  • Victim, pessimistic and negative attitudes
  • Hostile environments (Arguments, disagreements)
  • Controlling people or environments
  • Misuse of sex, drugs or alcohol
  • Chaos and disorder

In general you need to protect our energy field in a general sense.  It is important to keep you energy your own so you are centred and clear.  Even if you are interacting with positive people.  

However you don’t only interact with energy from the earth plane.  Depending on your beliefs there are also unseen energy forces who are positive and negative.

In the spirit plane there are light beings who assist and guide us and there are “dark” beings who are mischievous and like to cause confusion and chaos.

These are often spirits who are either not aware that they have passed over or who are not yet ready to leave the earth plane, therefore they are drawn to those with vibration with light and will therefore attach themselves to such people.

How do I invoke protection?
There are many ways to ensure you are protected and it is important for you to chose one which suits and works for you.  Likening protection to a pair of shoes, there are some that will fit better than others.

Also just like shoes, the method you use can become so comfortable it wears out.  So it is ideal to change and mix up the protection methods you are using.  The reason for this is when we regularly use a particular method we can become over familiar with it and become lax when implementing, thus loosing it’s potency.  In addition our vibration changes and thus a different protection method is required.

Protection ideally becomes a ritual which is best done in the morning before you start your day, and can easily be done in bed before your get up or in the shower.  Until it becomes a habit I recommend adding a reminder in your phone or on your mirror.

Its important to know that protection may need “reapplying” during the day (and sometimes more than once) particularly when you know you are going to interact with someone who drains your energy.

Once you become familiar with what is your energy and what belongs to another you will be able to determine quite easily how often you need to top up your protection.  If having trouble you can simply use a pendulum to assist you.



See (or feel) lying in front of you a deep blue sleeping bag made of fine silk thread, as you pick it up you notice how light it feels and that it changes to the appropriate colour you need for the day.

Open the bag and step into it slowly bringing it up over you, seeing it cover and hug to your body and feeling the sensation of its rich material cover your energy field.

Bring the bag up and over your head and as it does become aware that the opening has now fused keeping you and your energy safe from those you encounter during your day.

See (or feel) in front of you a gigantic ball of bright light of colour, it may be the colours of the rainbow or perhaps a specific colour you are resonating with (preferably not white though).

Make your energy ball large enough that it encases your whole body and energy field (2cm’s around your physical).  See/feel the energy ball gently pulsating with pure energy and beckoning you towards it.

When you are ready step into the centre of the ball seeing and feeling it envelope your body and auric fields, sensing it not only putting you in a sphere of protection you also energising you inner force.

Surround the ball with a casing of crystal dust, adding an extra layer of protection for your day, and when you are ready bring your awareness back to the chair and room in which you are sitting.

Stand with your feet slightly apart and palms upright, bringing your focus to your breathing allowing yourself to relax and be in the present moment.  When you are ready, say:

“God above me, God below me, God beside me and God behind me, keep me safe and within your divine protection for the day. Namaste”

Close your eyes and take your focus to your solar plexus, allowing it to open slightly just enough to allow a stream of yellow light to flow, swirling around you forming an oval shaped cloud (like an egg) surrounding your physical and auric bodies.

Next see or feel pouring from the heavens above you a brilliant glow of silvery light, sending just the right amount to create a secondary stratum around the first oval of energy.

Now encase those two layers of energy with a shell which is made of a reflective material, perhaps hematite, gold or even a mirror which rebounds negative energy.  Sit allowing yourself to feel and see each layer at work, sensing the strength with each of them.

Close your eyes and state out loud:

“Please Angel of Protection I need your help.  Please help me protect my energy fields, keeping my energy my own and clear of other’s energy.  Please surround me with your blessed light and help me vibrate with my own.”

For those who have undertaken Reiki II training, draw a large Sei He Ki symbol, with the intention of protection and step into it, alternatively you can draw it over yourself.

When used in conjunction with Cho Ku Rei it increases the energy and purpose of the Sei He Ki.

Crystals are a wonderful tool to protect your energy field.  Crystals hold their own energy vibration and resonate with specific purposes.

Common protection crystals:   Black Tourmaline, Hematite, Snowflake Obsidian or  Smokey Quartz

Essential or Resonate Essence oils are an easy way to protect your energy field.  I tend to use this option in conjunction with using crystals as a quick way to invoke protection.

Common protection oils:  Lavender, Frankincense, Sage, Palo Santo and Resonate Essence Protection


When you use any of these tools you add a mirrored or reflective layer to create and strengthen your natural level of protection to others energies.  They are particularly ideal for empaths who unknowingly take on others energies.

The added purpose of protection is to reflect less than desirable energies back to the Universe for it to transmute and transcend.

Engage your RAS to manifest abundance!

With all the information around relating to abundance and manifestation very little is written about the RAS, which is interesting due to how critical it is in the manifesting process.  The RAS is a part of our biology, it isn’t in just some of us ~ it is within ALL of us, supporting the notion that we all have it within us to generate abundance

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is located in our brain stem and therefore is a part of our mammalian brain, better known as our Limbic System.  The Limbic Brain is where we record memories of behaviour that produced positive and negative experiences, it is also where our feelings and emotions are generated.  Thus it is from this part of our brain where we make value judgments, often unconsciously, that influence our behaviour.

In the book “Flow” by Hungarian biologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi he states that we receive via our sense approximately 2,000,000 bit of data per second, however the brain can only process 134 bits, or 0.0067% of that information.  One of the most important functions of the RAS is to filter the information that is not relevant to you.

The RAS can be considered Google Search Engine of your mind!   Your RAS will search for and retain only the data it considers relevant based on what your programming (beliefs, values, vibration).

Due to its location within the Brain the RAS is also considered the gatekeeper to our conscious, waking mind.  It will only send information to the conscious mind that it processes as safe, considers beneficial and of interest.  The great news is that we can assist the RAS by “telling” it what is of benefit and of interest to us.

In order for your RAS to be correctly engaged so its support you to manifesting what you want, you need to ensure the filtering parameters are correctly set.  Let’s consider this in terms of the Triad of Health, the three factors of which are:   Mental, Physical and Chemical.


    William James, known as the founder of American Psychology, stated “Belief creates the actual fact” and in the case of a person being able to manifest it will largely depend on what they believe.

To discover your beliefs bring consciousness to what you are speaking about, or what you are saying.  Because most beliefs are embedded when we are young, we often operate without realising.

Once you’ve acknowledge those beliefs that don’t serve you, you can change them!

    The words that we use not only communicate with others they also communicate directly with our own unconscious mind.  Each word holds a vibration of positive or negative context or energy, all of which can either leave us uplifted or depleted.

A great example is the word “should”, it is a guilt word and each time we use it we are unconsciously burdening ourselves.

Not only is it the words we use, yet also how we say things.  Most people make statements about what they don’t want rather than what they do want.  The unconscious mind doesn’t hear the superlative so instead of hearing “I don’t want to be tired”, it hears “tired” and acts accordingly.

Phrase things in a positive manner such as “I feel less than energised” because you know it,  the unconscious mind isn’t hearing “tired”, it is hearing “energised”.

    Focus is what we give our attention to, and what we give our attention to is where we place our mind as well as our energy.  Thus telling our RAS that it is important to us.  So if you are focusing on the wrong things you’ll be missing the right things including opportunities to manifest what you want.

Consider what is it that you are giving your attention to?  What are you thinking about? What are you speaking about?  If it isn’t what you want, then STOP and adjust.

    A spiritual mindset is one of gratitude for what you currently have and whatever (no matter how small) you receive.  It is where you know there is universal abundance, enough for all so there is no need for jealousy or greed which leads us to being blissful and happy for others when they are successful.

It is knowing that you are aligned to manifesting also, and that your time for receiving is happening.  Spend time practicing gratefulness and where you can supporting others with their achievements and goals.



    A few years ago it seemed that one of the key messages regarding manifestation was missed, and that is taking action ~ no matter how big or small the task.  By being active, particularly by trying unfamiliar things, you give the RAS more positive references to draw upon.

So write a list of actions that you can take which move your towards what you want.  If any of the actions seem overwhelming break them down into smaller ones.  Then each day take 3-5 actions that you can implement.

    Meditation is well documented for having both physical and mental benefits.  Some of the physical benefits include:

    • Lowering high blood pressure
    • Decreasing tension
    • Increases serotonin, positively improving mood and behavior
    • Boosts the immune system
    • Enhances energy levels

All of which assists us in having the right enthusiasm and zeal for such things as taking action and being able to focus.  However you can use visualisation within your meditation to out manoeuver the unconscious mind.

The unconscious mind doesn’t know fact from fiction and therefore when you visualise it thinks it is real.  You can use this to your advantage by visualising what you want, thereby engaging the RAS to ensure information supporting this will be kept.

Allocate 15 minutes for meditation and specifically visualising, seeing what you want as if it already is.  If what you want is important to you, you’ll make the time.

    A vision board is a physical reminder of what you want.  It can help you clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on what you desire, and we now know that what we focus on tells the RAS that these things are important to you.

Start collecting images, words, items that remind you of your desires and when you are next shopping buy yourself a board and put it up where you’ll see it.  Or perhaps start a board on Pininterest yet make sure you look at it daily!



    What you eat and drink greatly influences your body and brain’s ability to function optimally.  What we digest provides the nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes, water, amino acids, carbohydrates and lipids, that our body and brain utilises to do even the simplest of tasks.

Yet too, what you eat or drink speaks volumes about what you think of and how you treat yourself.  All of which has a direct line of communication with the RAS.

What foods, drinks are you digesting which do not nourish or fuel your body?  Consider what you can replace them with that you would love and DO it!

    Resonate Essences are an amazingly simple & effective tool to assist you to align your vibration back to a state of pure Being.

Resonate Essences range uses a distinctive range of light, colour, and sound frequencies and each essence is multi-layered, designed to defuse your negative emotions & patterns as well as infuse the positive qualities, emotions & patterns.

When we infuse the right emotions it enhances the limbic system and consequently the RAS system, giving them more positive references to draw upon.

After seeing the results clients have had with the Abundance drops, we recommend getting yourself some & taking them!

We have provided you with a few ideas on how to ensure your Reticular Activating System is engaged, now its up to you to select which ones resonate with you most and implement them!


Signs a departed loved one is near

As a psychic medium I was born with the gift of being able to speak with and see loved one who are physically no longer with us.  From an early age I was gifted with the presence of spirit, speaking with my uncle who had passed as a baby, knowing he was in the cupboard.  It wasn’t until years later my mother told me of his passing and that he had been kept in the cupboard at home until it was time to bury him.

Some psychic mediums are more naturally gifted than others and some will spend years fine tuning their craft, however we all possess the ability to know when spirit is near.  We just need to heighten our awareness and trust in what we see or hear.  It also helps to know the common ways our loved ones contact us and let their presence be known.

Loved ones will come to visit particularly in times when we are in need or when we have a strong desire to see them again.  They come to remind us that we are still loved and supported by them and to comfort us in times of need.

AngelSpirit likes to let us know that they see and hear everything and will find ways to let us know when they are happy or unhappy with our life choices.  Most importantly though they look over and care for us, noting in the spirit world they are now able to maneuver and protect us in ways they couldn’t on the physical plane.

Common ways spirit communicates with us:

  •  They affect electrical products
    Due to the higher vibration of spirits energy field they tend to interfere with the functioning of electrical products.  Items which were working perfectly may start going haywire, switching on and off, jumping or freezing.  Light bulbs may start flickering and for no apparent reason blow, even after you’ve just replaced it.

Often during a reading or healing with a client my CD player will start to play up, despite working perfectly prior to their arrival.  It will skip tracks, freeze and then start playing again before jumping within a track.  Once I acknowledge that a loved one or spirit guide is near it usually starts working perfectly again.

  •  They enter our dreams
    A client starting seeing her mother in her dreams, her mother telling her that she was still alive.  Distraught at why this was happening I reminder her that she had been asking her mother to show herself to her… and her mother was, via her dream state, letting her know she was still here.

Due to the emotional intensity that can occur when a loved one comes close to our energy field it can be easier for those in spirit and the person they are visiting if they come to during the sleeping hours.  Thus entering our dreams to give their messages, stand over and watch us or sit with us to give us their messages and guidance.

  • They use aromas
    Our sense of smell is the first sense to develop and due to how aromas are processed in the brain, create strong associations and memories.  Therefore one whiff can tap into a bank of memories. Also most people have a particular smell, whether it be perfume or aftershave, cigarettes, cleaning products, flowers or body odour.

My grandfather and uncle often let me know when they are around by using the smell of cigarettes.  Both ex-British Navy men, keen smokers and pranksters they know I dislike the smell, however it is their distinctive way of heightening my awareness and letting me know they are near.

  • They move objects
    Have you ever searched for an object knowing for certain you had put it in a specific spot only to find it is not there.  Continued to look all around, usually several times to no avail, only to find the object in a random place or even in the place you were sure you had left it?  This is just another way your loved ones are trying to get your attention.

They will also use other objects such as photos or pictures to get  your attention, by making them fall over or even fall off a wall.  If you have not been listening or acknowledging their presence with subtle means, they may use such tactics to jolt you into awareness.

  • They use signs, coincidences or synchronicity 
    Spirit likes to place things, situations or people in our path that were significant to them or are significant to us.  They will use their energy to maneuver and make things happen, things which may seem coincidental.  Such as a song on the radio or you keep noticing their favourite flowers or you keep seeing the same thing over and over again, such as a butterfly.

Spirit often lets me know they are around and supporting me by place $0.05 pieces in my pathway.  I have, on occasion, tested Spirit by asking them to place $0.05 in my pathway which they have indulged me and done as such.


  • You see flickers of light
    When loved ones pass over they transcend their physical form to become a light being, vibrating and moving at the same frequency as light and sound.  Thus you may see a glimpse of light, a flicker, something you might easily pass off as your eyes playing games on you, yet it is  your loved one moving so quickly you see their vibration rather than their earth form.

These methods of communication by spirit are incredibly common and are often happening without us giving them a second thought.  The more you are present and open to the subtle meaning of such incidents as well as trusting in them, you too will be able to communicate with  your loved ones.




Boundaries – Ultimate self love and worth

There was a time when I wouldn’t speak up for myself.  I didn’t know what my boundaries were yet alone reinforce them to another.  It didn’t matter whether this was a work, in friendships or relationships.

Looking back I was really concerned with what others though about me.  Therefore I was giving away my power away to them, which meant I was dis-valuing myself.

Because I sought acceptance from others, I accepted any behaviour and in most instances it left me being really upset with myself.  I also found myself resenting people and felt at discord with them.

What are boundaries?

Boundaries are the perimeter or threshold which you have, and/or need to have, with regards what you do and don’t accept from others.  It is the point at which you feel empowered, joyful, at peace and in alignment with your true self.

As boundaries are fundamentally what is and isn’t ok for us, they will differ for each person.  As long as your boundaries do not purposefully hurt another, they can never be right or wrong.

Boundaries determine:

  • the degree in which we will allow someone into our personal space, physically, emotionally and spiritually;
  • the nature of treatment and behaviour that we find acceptable and appropriate;
  • what we allow or disallow;
  • whether we are giving our power and energy to another; and
  • how loving we treat ourselves and how loving we can be towards others.

What makes it difficult for people to communicate their boundaries is because they don’t want to offend or upset the other person, preferably upsetting them self. Dr John Demartini, a modern day philosopher, calls this the Law of Lesser Pissers – who would you prefer to piss off, yourself or another?

Most people allow themselves to be pissed off because they are seeking approval.  It is senseless how we will readily upset our own being, allow our self to feel taken advantage of, to be offended or even angry, rather than the possibility of maybe offending another.  Noting the word possibility.

Too often people think that by not saying no, or telling another that their behaviour is upsetting them, is being loving to that person, however it isn’t.  Because it results in resentment.  Alternatively setting boundaries is the act of treating yourself with love and respect, as well as treat others with love and respect.

When we set boundaries let the other person know our threshold.  When they know what the our boundaries are it means they now know the limits of what they need to meet and thus how much they also need to give and contribute.

Your willingness to communicate and reinforce your boundaries is also equal to the value you put on yourself.  When you have a lack of self worth then you will fail to convey what is ok with you (or perhaps not ok).  You are unconsciously giving others permission to reinforce your lack of self worth.

It is important to note here that often we treat others through our own boundaries, i.e. of what we consider to be appropriate. Therefore at times some people don’t realising they are overstepping the mark, which reinforces the importance that we communicate what IS appropriate for us, as it helps another to have awareness of our boundaries.

It is my belief that when we speak from a positive heart space we cannot go wrong and if what is said is done with the right intentions then it is a positive learning opportunity for both parties.

Noting in the instance we say something (with the right intention and in the right way), and the other person gets upset then it is more than likely they have an issue which is coming up to give them an opportunity to own and dissipate.

Clarifying your boundaries

If you are not clear about our boundaries, then others cannot be either.  You need to know your boundaries and honour them, in turn valuing your self.  You also need to know which of your boundaries are not negotiable and which ones you are willing to bend & to what degree.

To clarify your boundaries, ask yourself:

  1. What is ok for me?  What is not ok for me?
  2. What have been the situations that left me feeling resentful?
  3. Where have I said “no” and I didn’t, which left me upset with myself.

This observation can be taken externally to others. Know most people are working on their ability to voice their needs, which means many people don’t stipulate their boundaries.  The more that you express your own, you give them permission to do so.  Also when you seek to know if you have crossed their boundaries, you encourage them to voice them.

To tell when you have crossed another’s boundaries be aware of their subtleties, such as when they withdraw or go quiet.  Perhaps they have a rush of emotion, or their face changes colour i.e. reddens.

Implement boundaries is a process

If you have spent a lifetime of not knowing, stating or reinforcing your boundaries then this new habit and way of being is going to be like building a muscle, so start small.   For example if you are asked where you want to go for dinner don’t say “I don’t mind, you choose”.  Make the choice stipulate where you want to go for dinner.

Remind yourself the reason you are implementing your boundaries.  Because it is:

  • a loving thing to do for yourself and others
  • the only way to create connections with yourself as well as others
  • allowing yourself to be known by others in a loving and respectful way.

Know that, as with any process or new habit, you may slip into the old habits and allow your boundaries to be crossed.   Use this as a learning opportunity and understand the reasons so that you can make change.

If you are having challenges with allowing yourself to be known then perhaps a kinesiology session would be ideal for you.  You can make an appointment with us via:  http://www.theinnersageaustralia.com/appointments/