Tag Archives: Meditation


Practices to nourish your vibration

As was “goals” in the 1980’s, vibration, manifestation, abundance have all become buzz concepts right now.  As with many concepts that become the “buzz” they tend to become so overused that people soon grow tired of hearing about it.

So why is it important not to get tired about information relating to your vibration?  Science is proving what Eastern philosophies have know for thousands of years; that your body is constructed from energy.  This refers not only to the interactions that occur at a cellular level, yet also to the energy lines that run through your body, called Meridians, which Science can now detect.

What has also been detected is that you are much more than your physical body.  Surrounding you are interconnected fields of energy known as subtle bodies or auric fields.   These fields interact with your physical body via energy connection points called chakras which then feed into the meridians.

Just as you would practice for anything you want to master or become adept at, you also need to follow certain practices to ensure your energy vibration is at it’s best.   Your external world is also a reflection of your internal world so the more you invest in being your best; the more the best of the world will invest in you.


Common reasons most people don’t meditate are “I don’t know how to” or “I can’t sit for that long” or “I can’t switch off my mind”.  Meditation is like running a marathon, as in it isn’t something most people can do straight away.  As with training for a marathon you build up your stamina and endurance, so too meditation.  You need to develop your ability to let go of your thoughts and to sit for periods of time.

The benefits of meditation are well documented and from this perspective it is extremely important to recharge all aspects of yourself (physically, mentally and spiritually).  Meditation allows us to be relieved of the density our energy has on Earth.  We are light beings and thus meditation enables us to lighten our energy, thereby lightening our load and connect to the light source that is internal and external to us.

Acknowledge Universal Forces

Whilst I have no concrete evidence that can support for a fact that there are unseen Universal forces that exist, I have experienced many different situations that gives me evidence to believe that they do.

These Universal forces help support us to bring into reality our ecological desires. When we recognise that these Universal forces exist we are able to connect to them to enable manifestation.

Get moving outside

The Latin word “emovere” which means to move is also the basis of the word emotion.  Interestingly it also originates from the French word “emouvoir” which means to excite. When we move, we are exciting our energy and vibration.  Yet to movement also means we tap into emotions and feelings which support us.

When we move outside we are also able to access and absorb the negative ions which exist organically in nature.  These negative ions enable us to be balanced, grounded, energised and to have focus and clarity.

Yin / Yang

The Yin and Yang refer to the negative and positive aspects which exist in everything.  Without both we become imbalanced and/or polarised about a person or situation.  So when you can practice the Yin / Yang, which is seeing both the positives and negatives in equal amounts, then you are able to let go of the attachment and be empowered and at peace.

Be Heart Centred

Studies are showing that the heart emits more frequencies than our brain.  Also that the heart sends more instructions to the brain, than the brain does to the heart.   So when we are heart centred we are able to elevate our communication, thinking, decisions and choices to a higher level of consciousness.

Commonly, in various modalities,  the heart relates to:  self love, love for others, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, acceptance, gratitude, beauty, peace and transformation.  When you focus on doing this for yourself or another you are being heart centred.

Practice Gratefulness

Gratefulness is an important attribute of being heart centred however it is also important from a focus aspect.  To be grateful is to acknowledge all that you are (or can be) thankful and appreciative for.

What ever we focus on, we will get more of.  Also when we are grateful we let the light in, which in-powers us.  It heightens and improves our vibration so we can receive more and in this case more “light”.

We know that everything is interconnected so when you invest in your vibration you are fundamentally investing in all aspects of your well being.  You are being active in creating the way in which you exist in the world.


Meditation in the moment

Scientifically and spiritually, the benefits of meditation are well reported.  Meditation is documented as helping increase focus, learning and memory, balancing our emotions as well as having many physical benefits such as increasing our immunity, energy levels and reducing blood pressure.

Yet despite these known benefits most people still aren’t meditating and the two most common excuses people give me for not doing so are:

  1. I don’t have the time; and/or
  2. I don’t know how to

Meditation is the simplest of practices however it is often over complicated by thought processes (which is an oxymoron as that it exactly what it can help with).    It is not an activity of only sages, devotees and mystics who can sit crossed legged for hours at a time chanting “om”, although you can do so if that suits you.   Meditation in a practice which everyone is able to do, in some shape or form, and is something most of us have all done perhaps without realising.

What is Meditation?
Meditation is the act of contemplation, reflection and/or prayer where a person focusses their mind with the intention of slowing down and knowing that thoughts will rise, however choosing not to engage with these thoughts.  It is the process of being; in that exact moment in time, free of busyness and distractions, not in the past and not in future, just present moment.

Meditation is the essence of mindfulness, which is described as a state of being actively in the present, observing thoughts and feelings from a distance without judgement of them.  Its living and being awaken to what you are doing at that precise point of time.

What this means is that meditation can therefore be achieved at any time a person brings mindfulness to whatever they are doing.  By placing their full attention on what they are doing, which brings them to living in the that exact moment.  To allow thoughts to flow without judgement and to observe them without hooking onto a thought or following it down the rabbit hole.

Have you ever brushed your own, or someone else’s hair, and just been in that moment with each stroke, focused on smoothing out the hair?  or perhaps sat outside on a beautiful day and  found yourself immersed in the beauty surrounding you and sensing the sun’s rays warming you or the wind gently cooling you?  have you walked along a beach picking up shells or cooling your feet in the water, finding yourself immersed with the smell of the ocean and sound of the waves?  Possibly you’ve found yourself lost in the book you’ve been reading, taken to another time and place…..

In any of these, or similar scenarios, had you noticed that your mind was nowhere else other than where you were at that time?  Because that is meditation.  Whilst personally I am fond of sitting still with the intent of meditation, freeing my mind of thought, any time we have been lost in the moment, or totally focused on what we were doing, we were practicing mindfulness and therefore meditation.

Suggestions to aid with being present

  • Accept that as your mind begins to slow down and be in the moment thoughts will rise and that you have a choice whether you engage with them
  • Write for five minutes before meditation, our mind becomes free to be present because it now knows what it needs to remember has already been recorded
  • Focus on your breathe…it is a natural process that is happening every moment your awake or asleep, bring your attention to the air you take into your lungs and hold, allow that oxygen to disperse into your body and then breathe out…letting go of the stuff you no longer need
  • Concentrate fully on whatever it is that you are doing.  For example if you are washing the dishes focusing on each plate, bowel or cup and being reverent in cleaning each item.
  • Guided visualisations are a great tool to aid with meditating and it is still meditating if you use them

Ideal activities for meditation when you have no time

Consider the activities you are doing already, where you can slow down to be 100% focused on that task at hand and therefore present such as:

  • Washing the dishes
  • Talking the dog for a walk
  • Going to the park with the kids
  • Sitting on the toilet
  • Preparing, cooking and/or eating meals
  • Walking along the beach
  • Prior to sleep

As previously mentioned most people find it challenging to find time for sitting down to meditate.  The longer your can meditate the more effective the benefits, however some time spent is better than none at all.


Spiritual Basics ~ Energy Cleansing

Just us our physical body regularly needs cleansing both internally and externally to ensure we don’t get a build up of filth (externally) or toxins (internally), so too does our energetic bodies.

Cleansing our skin is important as we removes dead skin cells, bacteria and toxins, ensuring our pores are clear to absorb beneficial things.  Internal cleansing also assists in eliminating toxins and waste product thus improving overall wellbeing, health and vitality.

Physical cleansing is an act of rejuvenation and renewal.

So as we regularly cleanse our physical body, so too must we cleanse ourselves spiritually.  Whilst we are required to invoke our protection and shield ourselves from negative energy, over time residue can build up.  This may be due to our protection not being done often enough (or not done at all), perhaps the method being used is not strong enough or possibly because of what is going on within.

Also some people, knowingly or unknowingly, like to dump their negative energy and these type of people are attracted to “light souls”.  You’ll know if they have dumped as they will walk away saying how much better they feel leaving you feeling less energised.

Spiritual cleansing is the act of purifying your energy fields and getting rid of anything that may not belong to or within it, yet too it is also done to purify your connection to your source energy.

When we fail to cleanse regularly on a spiritual level our energy can become drained and for no apparent reason we are exhausted and feel zapped.    Also we might seem out of character, cranky and short tempered or emotionally and out of control.  On the other hand we can find our connection to others and the spirit world difficult to make.

And as we cleanse ourselves spiritually, it is also important to cleanse our environment and surroundings, most importantly your home and if possible also your work space or office.

How do I cleanse?
Once again there are many methods of cleansing and it is important to use which ever best suits you.  As with protection, cleansing is best done on a regular basis and I recommend at least once a week (if not daily).

Due to our environments (e.g. air conditioning, rising levels of smog) and our way of living (i.e. hectic pace, stress) our bodies are swathed with positive ions which are destructive to us and is a prime cause of energy depletion.

Also when we expose ourselves to too many positive ions we become imbalanced (i.e. depressed, stressed, anxious) and require negative ions to balance us out.

Negative ions are commonly known “happy or the good ions” because they lift our mood, inner forces and give us a sense of well being.

They are plentiful in rainforests, the ocean, near waterfalls and on the top of mountains.   Yet too they are abundant during and after a thunder storm, so opening your windows and doors after a thunder storm is a great way to cleanse you and your home.


Either walk in a rain shower or when daily showering, as the water lands and washers over you have the intention of allowing the water to take with it any negative energy that may have attached during the day.   Seeing any negativity being washed away relieving your energy field and releasing it to flow away from you.

Swimming in the ocean is an awesome way to cleanse due to the negative ions which are abundant in the sea.  When choosing to cleanse in the sea, your intention is what is most important.

So as you either dive under the water or allow it to wash over you, mentally say to yourself words to the effect of:  “I allow my energy fields to be cleansed of any negative energy, restoring me to my own source”

Find an incense that resonates with you or you can use smudging sage, take an incense stick or small amount of sage, lighting it so that it smokes (don’t allow it to burn).

Now carefully allow the smoke to waft over you, front and back, over your head and below your feel, focus on your intention that as the smoke drifts over you it is cleansing your energy fields, purifying and energising.

This is also a good method for cleansing the home, moving from room to room concentrating on smudging each corner of the room.  Yet with the main living areas (i.e. bedrooms & lounge room) burning a full incense stick.

To enhance the smudging ritual also put on a CD of instrumental music, as it in itself will help stuck energy.

There are a beautiful array of essential oils which hold higher vibrational energy to cleanse your energy.  These would be Frankincense is associated with purification, Lavender is considered the angelic herb or sage oil for its sacredness.

Energetic sprays, such as Resonate Essences Cleanse & Protect or Crystal Clear, are an easy way to clear a room and/or energy fields.  Especially when they are of a higher vibration because all the “hard” work has been done for you and all you need to do is hold and spray.


It has been well documented the power that words we think, or speak, have not only on others yet on ourself.  Words not only influence our gene expression they also influence the energy around us.

The sound vibration that mantras increase the energy around to resonate at a higher frequency which in turn will clear any energies that do not resonate at this frequency.

  • Shanti (shan tee): restores peace and harmony
  • Om Namah Shanti (om naamar shan tee): releasing burdens and returning lightness
  • I release all that does not serve me, clearing and releasing with ease
  • I release attachment to be free in light, love and peace

This is a meditative cleansing tool so it is a good one to use when you have a few moments where you won’t be disturbed.  I like this as an option due to its thoroughness and revitalising qualities.

See or sense in front of you a rock pool filled with the most beautiful crystal clear blue water, it is surrounded by a luscious green garden of ferns and palms, which overhang the pool.

You notice a path appear in front of you, which you start walking upon, it is laid with rich red stones and leads you to set of natural steps taking you to the edge of the rock pool.  Step down into the water, allowing it to wash over your, feeling yourself become like a sponge soaking the water in.

Step out of the pool and see your body twisting around, squeezing the water from your energy field.  Visualise the water streaming down the steps back to mother earth and notice that its colour is dark and murky as it is filled with the negative energy that you have picked up.

Turn around and emerge yourself back in the clear blue waters of the rock pool, repeating the process.  Allowing your energy field to fill up with these waters, then stepping out of the pool, twisting and squeezing the water along with the negative energy from your field.  Notice this time that the water, although still murky, is lighter than it was before.

Repeat the process once more.  Yet this time as you squeeze the water from you, you notice that it is now the same colour as the rock pool, a brilliant blue indicating that your energy field is clear.

Thank the rock pool for allowing you to have use of its mythical qualities.