Tag Archives: Metaphysical Healing


Feeling great? Understand why Kinesiology will still benefit you

When you are feeling great it is really interesting just how kinesiology will still benefit you and in some cases even more so.  Many of my clients will say “I’m feeling great, I don’t think I need to come” or “I’m not sure what we can work on”.  This is music to my ears as 1. it means Kinesiology is working for them and 2. now we can work in a very difference space.

However, it also made me realise that there is a misconception that kinesiology is ONLY a healing modality.

When you have “stuff” (a technical healing term) to work on you will be in a space where you are treating and remedying the issue/s.  Including the manifestations and symptoms of those issues e.g. anxiety.

At the initial stage of kinesiology, for most people, they are staying in their “stuff”, having gotten stuck in it and/or in the symptomology of the issue.  Whilst at some level you will need to go into the problem, the focus of kinesiology is to move you through it.

Once this foundation has been built, and reinforced, you will start to be feeling much better.  You’ll find you are aligned to the intention that was set for your sessions.  This doesn’t mean that you won’t be affected by life and it’s stressors.  Nor does it mean you won’t experience moments of emotions.  People, situations and events may shake the foundation.  This is why at the very least it is important to keep up maintenance sessions every three to six months.

Transcendental Balancing

However when you sustain a regular kinesiology program then your sessions becomes even more alchemistic.  You are able to come into a place of being where you thrive and build on what is good.  You tend to become more resilient to life stressors and you now are able to flourish.

This transcendental balancing aligns and connects you with your potential, supporting you to actualise it.  You are able to navigate life with higher executive cognitive functioning which enables your working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control.  You also become more positively disposed.

Kinesiology as a self development tool

Albert Einstein was reported to have said, “Once you stop learning, you start dying”.  I believe this can also be applied to self development.  In fact, neuroscience has shown that if the brain is not being used, like a muscle, it atrophies (wastes away).

Kinesiology certainly doesn’t make self development redundant, however it does support self development as it can uncover what you cannot.  Most times people are not aware of the program that is influencing them or where that program originated.  Kinesiology provides a framework for being able to uncover this.

Triad of Life

KTriad of Healthinesiology is a truly holistic modality as it works on the triad of health concept.   The triad of health is that you are not just your body; nor just your mind; nor just spiritual.  You are a combination of all three.

That the foundation for health is for all aspects of you to be in balance.  If not, the aspect which is out of balance will impact the other two.

The triad of health is represented in all aspects of life, not just health.  Therefore if you are only working on one aspect of personal development, then holistic development is not being achieved.

Personal development is mind; body and spirit.  Whilst you can achieve this by undertaking a combination of various modalities and exercises, kinesiology certainly covers all three at the same time!

The more I work with kinesiology, the more I learn from my clients.  One in particular has taught me the influence of regular kinesiology sessions – even when you feel great.  He has shown me how building on what is already great, enhances it.   As well as the fortitude to manage people, situations and events.   He truly lives from an empowered state and the regular session support him in maintaining and enhancing it.

Overall, even if you are feeling great, regularly kinesiology sessions ensure you are taking charge of your well-being.  Rather than waiting until things have compounded to be problematic.

If you are overdue for a session or haven’t seen a kinesiologist you can use the link below to schedule a session with us.
