Tag Archives: Nourishment


Nourishment essentials for healing professionals

Healers come in all shapes and forms, they can be nurses, doctors, counsellors, psychologists, naturopaths, kinesiologists, energy healers or they can be the friend who listens.    Having known many healers, as well as being one myself, it is my experience that most healers are so busy  focussing and caring for others that they tend to “forget” to care for themselves.

There are many ways for healing professionals to care for themselves such as eating small meals frequently, exercising regularly, connecting with nature and/or mediation.  However, due to the work they do and the transfer of energy that occurs healers often deplete essential nutrients.

Whether healing professionals are conscious of this or not, any interaction with another involves energy transmission.  Healers transfer energy, which could be chemical energy, electrical energy, thermal energy, light  or mechanical energy.

Yet too, depending on the strength of their boundaries, protection and cleansing, practitioners can also find themselves with taking on energetic residue from their clients.

Our nervous system is a collection of fibres and specialised cells which transmit signals between the brain and other parts of the body.  In addition to it’s physiological functions, the nervous system is also the pathway used to distribute and receive subtle energy.  Hence the importance of specifically supporting this system.

The following are suggestions as to what we consider to be nourishment essentials for those in the healing field, however as a Kinesiologist we do not diagnose, treat or prescribe so if in doubt please refer to your health professional.

Spirulina is a cyanobacteria, which refers to the colour of the micro-organism, cyano being blue.  It is a rich source of numerous vitamins such as B-1, B-2, B-3, B-6, B-9 (folic acid) as well as vitamins C, D, A and E.

Spirulina is also a source of various minerals  including  potassium , calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus,  selenium, sodium and zinc.  In addition to these beneficial nutrients it also contains essential and non essential amino acids, chlorophyll and carotenoids.

Due to Spirulina’s nutritional make up, it assists us our body to convert food into fuel, supports our nervous system as well as aids the detoxification process by binding with heavy metals and free radicals for removal.


Magnesium (as well as other minerals) play an important role in the body by regulating glands, muscle and nerve function, protein synthesis, blood glucose and blood pressure regulation.   In addition magnesium is critical for energy production, building hormones and maintaining cells.

Magnesium is important in metabolising nutrients into usable energy, allowing ions to move in and out of our cells.   Due to the role magnesium plays in conduction of nerve impulses, it aids the nervous system with sending messages.

Stress is known to deplete our magnesium stores.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is critical for our immune system in its resistance to  pathogens, aids our healing processes and as an anti-oxidant it also helps limit the damage from free radicals..  Vitamin C also aids in the formation, as well as use of collagen in the body (which is the “glue” that holds our body together and gives strength and elasticity to our skin, muscles, joints and ligaments).

Cortisol, a hormone released during stress, competes with collagen for vitamin C, hence why when under any form of stress it is important to ensure you are digesting vitamin C.  Noting as it is water soluble our bodies cannot store vitamin C, hence another reason it is important to ensure we ingest vitamin C daily.

One of the better known benefits of calcium is that it gives our bones and teeth strength as well as shape.  However the nervous system also needs calcium in order to effectively transmit messages.

It aids in maintaining appropriate blood pressure and adequate calcium also helps balance our mood and pH levels.  pH balance is important as too much acidity can provide an environment for harmful organisms to flourish.


Approximately 60% of our body composition is water and nearly all of the body’s systems depend on water to operate, so it makes sense that in order for the body to function effectively it is essential for it to be adequately hydrated.

Our body uses approximately 2.5 litres of water per day, however it is important to note that when we are under “stress” (whether nutritionally, physically or mentally) we use more water.   This includes the additional demand we put on our system when giving healing energy or mental focus to others.

Author of  ‘Your Body’s Many Cries for Water’, Dr. Batmanghelidj, indicates that the optimal daily water intake is 1.5 litres per 50kg of body weight.  Electrolytes assist in hydration and a natural way to boost your water with electrolytes is to add lemon, lime or sea salt to your water.

Oxygen is the most essential nutrients we need, we can’t exist without it, our basic building blocks (cells) need oxygen for energy and growth.  Breathing, particularly deep breathing, increases the oxygen in our blood as well as aid in releasing toxins.

Breathing nourishes our nervous system and thus reduces tension and stress, increases energy and stamina, strengthens our posture and improves energy flow to the brain aiding attentiveness, focus and clarity.

When the healer adequately cares for themselves, they can minimise (if not eliminate) burnout.  Thus ensuring they have an abundance of vitality and stamina not only for others, yet most importantly for their own body and soul.