Tag Archives: Psychic Abilities


Developing your psychic / intutive abilities

It is my belief that we all have psychic abilities.  That we all are naturally intutive and have the ability to be psychic.  However similarly to playing the piano; where some will sit down and have a natural ability to play beautiful, others will have to practice and develop their ability.

Often I am asked by clients how can they develop their ability and to be honest I believe it is much simpler than we make it out to be.  However, for most, as it does with any new skill it takes dedication and time to developing it.

Being intuitive is about listening to your inner wisdom; your inner navigation system.  It is also the basis from which we grow our psychic abilities.  Being psychic is the ability to communicate with the spirit world and receive guidance from them.

However before starting with any development it is important to understand and implement the three fundamentals of:  Grounding; Protection and cleansing.   These fundamentals help give you a strong foundation from which you can grow and develop your skills.

Here is a quick overview of these fundamentals and you can find more details in separate blogs for each topic.  Each blog also has suggestions and exercises.

Grounding:  is the process of connecting and anchoring yourself to the earthly plane.  In order to bring information into existence from the “energetic / heavenly” plane we must be grounded.  It is similar to the reason electricity must be grounded – in order for the current to be distributed.  http://www.theinnersageaustralia.com/2016/03/16/grounding/

Protection:   is the safeguarding of your energy fields in order to keep their energy clear of another’s.  Just as I would not leave my door open, because anyone could walk in, so too we need to ensure our energy field is not being kept susceptible to others energy impeding our own.  http://www.theinnersageaustralia.com/2016/03/25/spiritual-basics-protection/

Cleansing:  Just us our physical body regularly needs cleansing both internally and externally to ensure we don’t get a build up of filth (externally) or toxins (internally), so too does our energetic bodies.  Cleaning ensures we clear the build up of residue which doesn’t serve our best interests.  http://www.theinnersageaustralia.com/2016/04/30/spiritual-basics-cleansing/


Exercises for Increasing your Intuition / Psychic abilities


Meditation put simply is the act of taking time out with the aim to quiet your mind.    Meditation is the essence of mindfulness, which is described as a state of being actively in the present, observing thoughts and feelings from a distance without judgement of them.

Thus it can be considered as an act of contemplation, reflection and/or prayer where a person focuses their mind with the intention of slowing down and knowing that thoughts will rise, however choosing not to engage with these thoughts.  It is the process of being; in that exact moment in time, free of busyness and distractions, not in the past and not in future, just present moment.

I believe meditation to be one of the most important aspects to enriching your psychic abilities because it gets you out of your head and into your heart.  Our heart is where your inner wisdom; your intuition lives.  The heart is also the gateway to our higher energy centres and the portal to the spirit universe.

You’ll find some free meditation exercises on our education  site:  https://innersagisms.thinkific.com


Scientific evidence indicates that when a person writes they access both aspects of their brain.  The physical act of writing accesses our analytical and rational left brain as well as engages our creative, intuitive, feeling right brain.

Journalling is a tool which assists in eliminating the chatter of our minds.  The very act of writing is a releasing process, as the individual is expressing what is going on for them, rather than keeping it locked in, which often impacts on our physical.  By writing we tend to sift and filter our thoughts, rather than let them take control of us.

By journalling we have better chance of accessing our own inner wisdom, our intuition, to do what we know and feel is right for us, rather than speak with others who govern us by their own beliefs and values.

We also begin to learn about our own inner being, knowing who you are v’s who you want to be and enabling you to close the gap, bringing you closer to your authentic self.

EXERCISE #1- Inner Alignment Journalling

Each morning before you get caught up in the flow of the day spend 20 minutes writing non stop.  Don’t think, just write and let the topic naturally emerge.  It can be about whatever comes to you in that moment and the topics can change, you just need to ensure that it is for a full 5 minutes without stopping.

There is no need to re-read or analyse what you are writing, as it is a dedicated time for you to be boundless with your thoughts,  to be YOU and allow whatever is on your mind to be freed.  It can be a list of things you need to do, it can be about an important meeting you have for the day, whatever comes to mind and to your pen.

EXERCISE #2 – Intuition Journalling

Guidance and our intuition can come in various forms.  It can be a gut feeling or innate knowing.  As you develop you may hear your spirit guides “voice” or they may send you images.  Sometimes the messages may be in a sign sent in the physical form of an insect, bird, flower, book or person.

So either during the day or before you go to bed spend 5-10 minutes listing all the incidents where you had an intuitive sense, message and/or guidance.   List when you did listen to the feeling, information or sign and you were correct.  Also list you didn’t listen to it and were you were wrong.

By acknowledging when you did or didn’t listen you are strengthen this skill as well as increasing your ability to listen and trust your intuition and psychic abilities.


Generalising, the left and right hemispheres of our brain process information quite differently. While we have a natural affinity with one way of thinking, the two sides of our brain work are always working together.

Our left brain is our logic and analytic side. It process information sequentially and thinks in words and numbers. It tends to piece information from a detailed perspective.

Whereas the right side of our brain is where our non-verbal, intuitive and creative aspect of our brain. It process information via pictures and is big picture thinking.

In order to build our intuition “muscle” we simply need to engage that side of the brain more purposefully. Via such exercises as meditation, drawing, creative writing, visualising, knitting, playing music and painting.

Creative Brain Exercise

Set time aside this week at least three times to write or draw using your non-dominant hand for at least 15 minutes. When you use your the hand you don’t normally use to write or draw it helps you connect with your creative, intuitive and emotional side.


Prediction play is one of my favourite ways to increase your psychic abilities and intuition.  Most likely because it is a chance to have fun with your skills in a safe way.  The aim of this exercise is to guess or predict a result.  For example who is calling you without looking at your phone.

The objective is not necessarily to be right, as it is an exercise to understanding when you are in your head rather than listening to your inner wisdom and/or guidance.

With any of the prediction plays the key is feeling the answer rather than thinking it.  The answers may also come via “hearing” or “seeing”.  Please be aware that you won’t see or hear as you do with your earthly senses.

This exercise helps you to differentiate and understand the nuances of how your intuition speaks with you (it differs with each person) as well as how the universe and your spirit guides can speak with you.

PP Exercises

Here are some suggestions to what you can apply this to:

  • When you have one or more elevators; predict which one is going to arrive first
  • Get three cards (of any kind), turn them over, mix them up and then feel for a specific card
  • When your phone rings, feel who is calling you
  • Guess how much a bill or invoice, which differs in amount each time, will be
  • Predict when the traffic lights will change


Being more in alignment with your intuition is incredibly rewarding.  It helps you to trust more in yourself and your own flow.  The ability to confidently steer your own ship and direction.

Whereas being psychic is not for the faint hearted.  The more your increase your abilities the more sensitive you become to the world around you.  Also too I have found there is a level of responsibility which comes with such abilities.  Please know you can develop these to a level which is right with you and you are able to set parameters around how your guides work for you.

Either way, enjoy the journey.