Tag Archives: Openness

openness to receiving

Openness to receiving rather than allowing

Many healers, coaches and guides often speak about the concept of allowing things to happen, however recently during a meditation I was guided to having openness to receiving, rather than allowing myself to.  I wondered what is the difference, I mean fundamentally are they not the same thing?

Intuitively I can feel the difference between the two, logically I needed to understand what the difference is.  In looking at the definition of both words this becomes clearer as to the power of being open.

www.dictionary.com defines the word allowing as:  Allow, let, permit imply granting or conceding the right of someone to do something. Allow and permit are often interchangeable, but permit is the more positive. Allow implies complete absence of an attempt, or even an intent, to hinder.

Using the Macquarie Concise Dictionary the definition of openness as:  (a) an act or instance of making or becoming open. (b) an act or instance of beginning :commencement

The unseen forces of Spirit and Universal energy are subtle and thus they also give and receive messages in subtle ways.  This is why when you are making changes even slight ones they can have major results.

Thus when you engaged in the action of allowing, in fact you are already implying and giving a subtle indication that you have an intention to hinder.  It also gives a message that you are in control to grant you believe should be.

Recently a client of mine had been manifesting like crazy.  Via regular kinesiology balances she has raised, aligned and maintained her vibration to what she wanted to receive.  The she was being open and trusting what she wanted would happen.

And it was happening.   Things were flowing SO much that she became overwhelmed and triggered an unconscious program which sabotaged her.  Then, and very suddenly, the flow stopped.     Fundamentally she had closed herself off to having openness to receiving.

Basically openness to receiving means you let things flow and if they aren’t you remove the blocks.  This means firstly you need to know what it is that you want, so get specific.  Next surrender yourself to trust beyond any doubt then acknowledge and be grateful for what you do receive.

What often stops people from being open is an impeded flow of energy in their heart chakra and/or meridian.  As an organ our heart is responsible for pumping oxygenated blood through our system, thus providing oxygen and nutrients through out our physical body.  Studies have also shown that our heart emits more energy than our brain.  In fact it sends more messages to the brain than the brain does to the heart.  Thus a vital organ for many reasons.

Metaphysically the heart is considered as the Spiritual centre of the body.  It relates to love, acceptance, calm, peace, trust, forgiveness, radiate, free flowing and circulation.   When the heart energy is flowing a person has openness, is loving, they are engaging, it feels good to be around them, they are empowering and happy of others, they see the blessings and have acceptance of everything.

If the heart energy is blocked then a person can be fearful, condemning, frustrated, impatient, intolerant, distrusting, negative, dis-empowered and competitive.   They will focus on lack, complain and use negative wording.

Thus the best way to have openness to receiving is to ensure your heart energy is flowing and communicating.  Below is a process which enables you to have coherence and connection  in yourself as well as with the unseen energy and infinite energies and forces that surround you.

It is a process you can use daily to ensure you are generally open and vibrating, however you can also use it more specifically when you require additional support perhaps for making a decision, a meeting and/or for a presentation or less than easy discussion.

Be mindful that this is a process to connect in and open your heart energy.  Thus it is not a meditation.  You can do this process in five (5) minutes or you can choose to do it for fifteen (15).  Noting the more that you do mindfully d this process in the longer term the more automatic it will be that your heart energy is open and vibrating optimally.

Energetic Heart flow process

Take a deep breathe in and close your eyes, keeping them shut …. exhale.  Closing the door on the external world for the time you’ve allocated for this process.   Opening your self to be present moment of now.  Focusing on your breath, breathing in and out naturally.  Taking your breathe to any part of your body which is feeling tense and as you exhale, releasing that tension so you are free, right now to relax.

This time as you breathe in, take your breathe in deeper and hold it.  Then as you exhale, push all your breathe out, finding yourself sinking deeper into a relaxed state.

Bring the back of your hands together so that your fingers (on both hands) face towards you and bring your fingers in to touch the centre of your chest (in between your breasts at the same height as your nipples). In this area is an acupressure point known as the Sea of Tranquillity which helps to centre you and release any emotions which are being held on to.

It also supports your consciousness to know where you want your energy and attention to go to, which is from your external world to your internal one, specifically to your heart space. When we bring out consciousness to our heart space we strengthen the heart-brain connection, creating heart coherence.

The energy of our heart is love, compassion, trust, peace, appreciation, forgiveness and gratitude. So now turn your attention to see, feel or hear those things that make you happy. What, who or where lifts up your heart and makes you feel blissful?

It may be something, somewhere or someone you have recently come across, perhaps it is a memory or another time.

Now consider what, who or where makes you feel grateful or you have (or can have) appreciate of or for.

What, who or what do you love? and what is it specifically that you love?

What made you smile yesterday?  or over the last week?

Notice that as you keep thinking about things, people or places you love, make you happy and/or you are grateful for, how you start vibrating at a higher state and that you are being filled from head to toe with this vibration.

Continue to focus on all the things, people, places that make you happy.  That make you smile. Notice how you feel as you are filled with this heart energy.  Feel it emanating from you into the space around you, then filling up the room that you are sitting in.

Keep emanating this heart energy beyond the walls in which you sit.  Into the suburb in which you live, extending to the State and then Country where you are currently located.  Next radiating this energy to place in the world where it is needed most.

Knowing that as your heart energy radiates so too does your ability to attract all you desire, for you are coherent with the unseen forces and energy thus you are in the perfect vibration to be open to receive.

Now placing your hands in your lap, focus again on your breathing and be aware the noises that surround you, the furniture that you are sitting upon.  Feeling energised and aligned for your day, meeting or presentation ahead.


If you are, after doing this exercise, still finding yourself being blocked to openness then kinesiology may be for you.  Mention this article and you’ll receive a 10% discount.

You can schedule an appointment for kinesiology with us via: http://www.theinnersageaustralia.com/appointments/